
Academic Advising

A comprehensive advising and guidance program at the College recognizes the need for supportive counseling in all matters related to a college education. Thus, advising takes place in a variety of settings, with more or less formality depending on the circumstances, and at all stages of progress throughout a college career.

New students are assigned a faculty advisor at the outset who assists with overall program planning, course selection, registration, career choices, and any academic difficulties or personal problems as they may arise. First-year students are taught by their advisor in a First-Year Studies seminar during the fall term. These first-year advisors serve in an advisory capacity for the entire first year. During the sophomore year, students may retain their first-year advisor or choose another faculty advisor.

Students must select a major field of study by the end of the sophomore year, and, accordingly, choose an advisor from the faculty members in the relevant department or interdisciplinary major. Faculty advisors in the major assist students in drawing up a program of courses in their major field and other academic areas, and provide necessary guidance throughout students’ undergraduate careers.