

Anya Golovkova

Assistant Professor of Religion


Areas of Specialization

Asian Religions
Religion and Gender
Hindu Tantric Traditions
Hindu Goddesses
Ritual and Devotional Practices in South Asia and Diasporic Communities
Reacting to the Past (Role-Playing Games for Engaged Learning)


Cornell University
PhD, Asian Religions Concentrations, Department of Asian Studies, 2017

Dissertation Title: A Goddess for the Second Millennium: Transgression and Transformation in the Hindu Tantric Worship of Tripurasundar墨

Oxford University
MSt, Oriental Studies, with distinction, 2010

Columbia University
MA, Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, 2009

Moscow State Linguistics University, Pedagogical Department
BA, Linguistics and Intercultural Communications, with distinction, 1996


“Ka虅mes虂vari虅: Visualizing the Goddess of Desire,” In M. Slouber, Garland of Forgotten Goddesses: An Anthology of Hindu Goddess Tales, University of California Press, 267–89. In press.

“The Cult of the Goddess Tripurasundar墨 in the 狈颈迟测腻办补耻濒补, the 痴腻尘补办别艣惫补谤墨mata and the Yogin墨丑峁沝补测补,” In R. Torella (ed.), Tantra and A虅gamas: Proceedings of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference; Vol. V, DK Printworld, 162–86. In press.

“The Forgotten Consort: The Goddess and K膩madeva in the Early Worship of Tripurasundar墨,” International Journal of Hindu Studies vol. 24, no. 1, May 2020, 87–106.

“From Worldly Powers to J墨vanmukti: Ritual and Soteriology in the Early Tantras of the Cult of Tripurasundar墨,” Journal of Hindu Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, May 2019 (special issue: Liberation in Hindu Culture), 103–26.

“S虂ri虅vidya虅,” In: K. A. Jacobsen (ed.), Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Volume Four: Historical Perspectives, Poets, Teachers, and Saints, Relation to other Religions and Traditions, Hinduism and Contemporary Issues, 815–22. Leiden and Boston: Brill, Handbuch der Orientalistik, Zweite Abteilung, Indien, 2012.


A Goddess for the Second Millennium, book manuscript

Invited Talks

"A Goddess for the Second Millennium: On the Early Worship of Tripurasundar墨,"
South Asian Religions Colloquium (SARC), Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University, November 5

"Conceptions of Liberation in the Hindu Tantric Worship of the Goddess Tripurasundar墨,"
Cornell University, Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies and South Asia Program, January 27

“The Literary World of the 痴腻尘补办别艣惫补谤墨matavivara峁嘺,” International Conference on Shakta Tantra,
Sanchi University of Buddhist-Indic Studies, December 17–19

“Why Did S虂ri虅vidya虅 Flourish?” An Advaitin View of S虂ri虅vidya虅 Tantra: Honoring the Goddess,
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, March 2–3


Presentation: Research

“Liberation for the Devotees of the Threefold Goddess: Ritual and Soteriology in the Early Tantras of the Cult of Tripurasundar墨,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 23–26 (Panel Organizer)

“A Goddess for the Second Millennium: Working with Sanskrit Sources in North America,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 23–26

“A Visual History of the Goddess Tripurasundar墨,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 18–21 (Panel Organizer)

“A Kaula Woman or a Lady of Good Family? New Interpretations of the Cult of the Goddess Tripurasundar墨 in Thirteenth-Century Exegesis,” 46th Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, Wisconsin, October 26–28 (Panel Organizer)

“Reading in the ‘Fringes’: Jayaratha’s Literary Manifesto and his Vision of Kashmir in the Framing Verses to Tantr腻濒辞办补惫颈惫别办补 and the 痴腻尘补办补艣惫补谤墨尘补迟补惫颈惫补谤补峁嘺,” International Conference Around Abhinavagupta: Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir, South Asia Program, Einaudi Center for International Affairs, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 25–26

“Renewal through Elaboration: Worshipping the Goddess Pratyabhijñ膩-style in Jayaratha’s Thirteenth-Century Kashmir,” 45th Annual Conference on South Asia, Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 20–23

“The Goddess Domesticated: Internalizing Love Magic in the Early Texts of the Tripurasundari虅 Cult,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 17–20

“The Cult of the Goddess Tripurasundar墨 in the 痴腻尘补办别艣惫补谤墨mata and the Yogin墨丑峁沝补测补,” Fifteenth World Sanskrit Conference, Delhi, India, January 5–10

“Love Magic and Liberation in Premodern Sanskrit Tantras,” Global Scholars’ Symposium, Cambridge University, June 11–12

“The Cult of the Goddess Tripurasundar墨 in the 痴腻尘补办别艣惫补谤墨mata,” Indology Graduate Seminar, Oxford University, May 28

“Love Magic in 艢r墨vidy膩,” Clarendon Scholars’ Talking Heads Lecture Series, Oxford University, February 25

Campus Talks

“Immateriality & Infinity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” Gallery talk, Bowdoin College, May 1

Presentations: Pedagogy

“Diversity and Accessibility in Classroom Games,” Games in College Classrooms: A Three-Day Institute, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, June 10–12 (Workshop Organizer and Facilitator)

“An Inclusive Reacting Classroom,” Roundtable, Eighteenth Annual Faculty Institute, Reacting to the Past Consortium, Barnard College, New York, NY, June 14–17 (Roundtable Organizer)

“Using Role Play in the First-Year Writing Seminar: Insider and Outsider Perspectives,” Teaching as Research National Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 6 (Roundtable Organizer)

“Reacting to the Past: The Real Hunger Games,” Train the Trainer Pre-Conference Workshop, Teaching as Research National Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 5

“Learning Through Roleplay,” Understanding Undergraduate Learners Series, Center for Teaching Excellence, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 21

Awards and Honors

American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting Travel Grant

Faculty Course Development Award, Bowdoin College

Faculty Fellow, Center for Learning and Teaching, Bowdoin College

Faculty Research Award, Bowdoin College

Enhancing the Humanities at Bowdoin, Lectures and Concerts Grant, Andrew Mellon Foundation

Partnership Development Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Gertrude Spencer Prize, Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, Cornell University

Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning Travel Grant, Cornell University

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Practitioner Program, Center for Teaching Excellence, Cornell University

Peer Collaboration/Mentorship Program Award and Summer Fellowship, Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, Cornell University

2016, 2012, 2011
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Conference Grant Award, Cornell University

2016–2017, 2014–2015, 2012–2013, 2011–2012
Asian Studies Teaching Assistantships, Cornell University

Dissertation Fellowship, Cornell University

International Travel Grant Award, Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies

2012, 2011, 2010
Asian Studies Department Travel Grant Award, Cornell University

Sage Fellowship, Cornell University

Clarendon Fund Academic Scholarship, Oxford University

American Institute of Indian Languages (AIIS) Summer Fellowship in Sanskrit, India

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship in Telugu, Columbia University

Professional Development: Research

Research and Language Training

Fall 2013–Spring 2014 Dissertation Research, Oxford University

Fall 2008–Spring 2009 Sanskrit Scripts and Paleography, Columbia University                                      

Summer 2009 Sanskrit Program, American Institute of Indian Studies, Pune, India

Summer 2007 Sanskrit Program, South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI), Madison, WI

International Workshops

August 2016 Age of Vedanta Workshop and Critical Philology and the Study of South Asian Pasts Symposium, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India

July 2010 Early Tantra Workshop, Hamburg University, Asia-Africa Institute, Germany

October 2009 Thinking Inside the Box: The Concept of a Category in Indian Philosophy, The Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Somerville College, Oxford

Professional Development: Pedagogy


“Summer of Reacting,” Reacting Consortium, online, Summer 2020
“Reacting to the Past” Game Development Conference, Simpson College, July 12–14, 2018
“Reacting to the Past” Eighteenth Annual Faculty Institute, Barnard College, June 14–17, 2018
“Reacting to the Past” Annual Winter Conference, Georgia State University, January 12–13, 2018
“Reacting to the Past” Seventeenth Faculty Institute, Barnard College, June 8–11, 2017
Creative Academic Writing, Cornell University, May 13, 2017
“Reacting to the Past” Sixteenth Annual Faculty Institute, Barnard College, June 8–12, 2016


Teaching Faculty Fellow Institute, Bowdoin College, June 2018

Center for Learning and Teaching, Bowdoin College, August 2017–June 2019

  • Teaching Triangles (reciprocal assessment)
  • Building an Inclusive Classroom: What Student Voices Can Teach Us About Teaching
  • Facilitating Effective Discussions
  • Teaching Close Reading
  • Book Groups: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance and Teaching Across Cultural Strengths

Center for Teaching Excellence, Cornell University, September 2013–June 2017

  • Integrated Course Design
  • Active Learning Strategies for Engaging Students
  • Developing Rubrics for Efficient and Consistent Grading
  • Enhancing Teaching with Technology
  • Best Practices for Inclusive Teaching
  • Using Research Experience to Improve Teaching
  • Developing a Professional Identity in Teaching
Service to the Profession

December 2018–Current     
Steering Committee Member, Tantric Studies Unit, American Academy of Religion

September 2019–Current    
Inclusion Committee Member, Reacting Consortium (Role-Playing Games for Engaged Learning)

Professional Memberships

American Academy of Religion
Reacting Consortium (Role-Playing Games for Engaged Learning)