
Economics Business and Finance

Robert Baade

Robert Baade

Ernest A Johnson Professor of Economics Emeritus

Economics Business and Finance


International Trade
International Finance
Public Finance
The Economics of Sport


International trade and financial issues, and a variety of topics relating to the economics of professional and intercollegiate sport


Post PhD University of California at Berkeley
PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison
MA University of Wisconsin-Madison
BA University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Courses Taught

Economics 110: Principles of Economics
Economics 440: Advanced Macroeconomics
Economics 430: International Trade
Economics 431: International Finance
International Relations 480: International Relations Seminar 

Academic Positions

A.B. Dick Professor of Economics, 2006-present
President, The International Association of Sports Economics, 2006-2010
James D. Vail III Professor, 1987-2006
Associate Professor, 1980-1986
Assistant Professor, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 1973-1980
Northern Illinois University, 1976-1979:  taught a Graduate Course for High School Teachers in the Social Sciences for the Illinois Council on Economic Education
The London School of Economics, 1981-1982, Fellow 

Administrative Positions

Chair, Department of Economics, 1989-1992; 2004-2007
Acting Chair, Department of Economics, 1988-1989 

Other College-Related Services and Activities

Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach, 1973-1992
Secretary, Faculty Personnel Policies Committee, 1976-77; 1993-94
Chairperson, Faculty Personnel Policies Committee, 1983-84
Chairperson, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1990-91; 2006-2007
Chairperson, Department of Economics and Business, 1988-1992; 2004-2007

Chicago Area Community Service

Chairman of Committee to Determine costs and Benefits of a New Sports Stadium in Chicago, Chicago Metropolitan Planning Council, 1985-86.

Book Chapters and Journal Articles

Baade, Robert A., and Victor A. Matheson. “Going for the Gold: The Economics of the Olympics.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 30, no. 2 (2016): 201-18.

Baade, Robert A., “The Market Structure of Professional Sports and the Implications for Stadium Construction and Team Movements,” in The Oxford Handbook of Sports Economics, Volume 2, Leo Keohane and Steven Shmanske, eds. (London: Oxford University Press, 2012).

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson, “An Analysis of the Political Economy for Bidding for the Summer Olympic Games,” in International Handbook on the Economics of Sporting Mega Events, Andrew Zimbalist and Wolfgang Maennig, eds. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2012), 85-107.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson,  “An Evaluation of National Football League Mega-Events,” in The Economics of the NFL: The State of the Art, Kevin Quinn, ed. (New York: Springer, 2012), 243-58.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson, “Financing Professional Sports Facilities,” in Financing Economic Development in the 21st Century, 2nd ed., Zenia Kotval and Sammis White, eds. (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2012), 323-42.

Baade, Robert A., “Getting Into the Game: Is the Gamble on Sport as a Stimulus for Economic Development a Good Bet?” in Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects, (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2010), 152-204.

Baade, Robert A., Victor A. Matheson, and Robert Bauman, “Big Men on Campus: Estimating the Economic Impact of College Sports on Local Economies,” Regional Studies 45, no. 3 (2010): 371-80.

Baade, Robert A., Victor A. Matheson,  and Robert Bauman, “Slippery slope?  Assessing the Economic Impact of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah,” Region et Développment, n鈦 31 (2010): 81-91.

Baade, Robert A., Victor A. Matheson, and Robert Bauman, “Rejecting ‘Conventional’ Wisdom: Estimating the Economic Impact of National Political Conventions,” Eastern Economic Journal 35, no. 4 (2009): 520-30.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson, “Research Note:  Assessing Household Service Losses with Joint Survival Probabilities,” Journal of Forensic Economics 20, no. 2 (2008): 185-90.

Baade, Robert A., Victor A. Matheson, and Robert Bauman, “The Economic Impact of College Football Games on Local Economies,” Journal of Sports Economics 9, no. 6 (2008): 628-43.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Striking Out: Estimating the Economic Impact of Baseball’s World Series.” International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing 3, no. 4 (2008): 319-34.

Baade, Robert A., Robert Baumann, and Victor A. Matheson. “Selling the Game:  Estimating the Economic Impact of Professional Sports through Taxable Sales.” Southern Economic Journal 74, no. 3 (2008): 794-810.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Can New Orleans Play Its Way Past Katrina? The Role of Professional Sports in the Redevelopment of New Orleans.” International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing 2, nos. 5-6 (2007): 541-54.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Professional Sports, Hurricane Katrina, and the Economic Redevelopment of New Orleans.”  Contemporary Economic Policy 25, no. 4 (2007): 591-603.

Baade, Robert A. and Matheson, Victor, “NFL Goverenance and Fate of the New Orleans Saints:  Some Observations,” in Placido Rodriguez Guerrero, Stefan Kesenne, and Jaume Garcia, eds., (Gijon, Spain:  Universidad de Oviedo, 2007), 141-68.

Baade, Robert A., Robert Baumann, and Victor A. Matheson. “Estimating the Economic Impact of Natural and Social Disasters with an Application to Hurricane Katrina.” Urban Studies 44, no. 11 (2007): 2061-76.

Baade, Robert A., Victor A. Matheson, and Mariya Nikolova. “A Tale of Two Stadiums: Comparing the Economic Impact of Chicago’s Wrigley Field and US Cellular Field.” Geographische Rundschau International Edition 3, no. 1 (2007): 53-58.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Padding Required: Assessing the Economic Impact of the Super Bowl.” European Sports Management Quarterly 6, no. 4 (2006): 353-74.

Baade, Robert A. “The Economic Impact of Mega Sports Events.” Elgar Companion to the Economics of Sports. Eds. Wladimir Andreff and  Stefan Szymanski. (London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007), 177-82.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Have Public Finance Principles Been Shut Out in Financing New Stadiums for the NFL?”  Public Finance and Management 6, no. 3 (2006): 284-320.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Mega-sporting Events in Developing Nations: Playing Their Way to Prosperity?” The South African Journal of Economics 72, no. 5 (2004): 1084-95.

Baade, Robert A. Assessing the Economic Impact of the Staples Center on the City of Los Angeles:  Report of the Controller, June 5, 2004: 1-58.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Race and Riots:  Examining the Economic Impact of the Rodney King Riots” Urban Studies 41, no. 13 (2004): 2685-91.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “‘Death Effect’ on Collectible Prices.” Applied Economics 31, no. 11 (2004): 1151-55.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson, “The Quest for the Cup:  Assessing the Economic Impact of the World Cup.” Journal of Regional Studies 38, no. 4 (2004): 343-54.

Baade, Robert A. “Evaluating Subsidies for Professional Sports in the United States and Europe:  A Public-Sector Primer.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 19, no. 4 (2003): 585-97.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “An Economic Slam Dunk or March Madness? Assessing the Economic Impact of the NCAA Basketball Tournament.” The Economics of Collegiate Sports.  Eds. John Fizel and Rodney Fort.  (New York: Praeger, 2003), 111-34.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Bidding for the Olympics: Fool’s Gold?” Transatlantic Sport.  Eds. Carlos Barros, Murad Ibrahim, and Stefan Szymanski. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002. 127-51.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “Home Run or Wild Pitch? The Economic Impact of Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game.” Journal of Sports Economics 2.4 (2001): 307-26.

Baade, Robert A. “Some Observations on the Evolution of Subsidies for Professional Sports,” in Sports et Villes, Sylvan Lefebre, ed., (Québec:  Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2003, 87-107

Baade, Robert A. “Quantitative Techniques for Estimating the Impact of Large Public Projects.” Measuring Economic Impact. Ed. Sylvain Lefebvre.  Montreal: University of Quebec Press, 2002. Forthcoming. 

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “An Assessment of the Economic Impact of the American Football Championship, the Super Bowl, on Host Communities.” Reflets & Perspectives de la Vie Économique. Eds. Jean-Jacques Gouguet et Didier Primault. 39.2-3 (2000): 35-46.

Baade, Robert A. “Home Field Advantage? Does the Metropolis or Neighborhood Derive Benefit from a Professional Sports Stadium?” The Economics and Politics of Sports Facilities. Ed. Wilbur Rich. (London: Quorum Books, 2000), 71-93.

Baade, Robert A. and Victor A. Matheson. “High Octane? Grading the Economic Impact of the Daytona 500.” Marquette Sports Law Journal Symposium. Ed. Paul Anderson. 10, no. 2 (2000): 401-15.

Baade, Robert A. “Metropolitan Versus Neighborhood Economic Impact Induced by Professional Sports Teams and Stadiums: What’s the Score?” The Economics of Sports.  Ed. William S. Kern. Kalamazoo: W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2000. 21-49.

Baade, Robert A. “An Analysis of Why and How the United States’ Judiciary Has Interpreted the Question of Professional Sports and Economic Development.” The Economic Impact of Sports Events.  Ed. Claude Jeanrenaud. (Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Centre International d’Étude du Sport, 1999), 41-62.

Baade, Robert A. “Professional Sports and Economic Impact: The View of the Judiciary.” State Tax Notes 13, no. 23 (1997): 1495-1505.

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson. “Bearing Down in Chicago: Location, Location, Location.” Sports, Jobs and Taxes.  Eds. Roger Noll and Andrew Zimbalist. (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1997), 324-54.

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson. “The Employment Effect of Teams and Sports Facilities.” Sports, Jobs and Taxes.  Eds. Roger Noll and Andrew Zimbalist. (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1997), 92-118.

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson. “Minor League Teams and Communities.” Sports, Jobs and Taxes.  Eds. Roger Noll and Andrew Zimbalist. (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1997), 452-93.

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson. “Cities Under Siege: How the Changing Financial Structure of Professional Sports is Putting Cities at Risk and What to do About It.” Development in Sports, Volume II.  Eds. Wallace Hendricks. (New York: JAI Press, 1997). 77-114.

Baade, Robert A. “An Analysis of Trends in the Market for Professional Sports Teams and Stadiums: Separating Myth from Reality,” Antitrust Issues in Relocation of Professional Sports Franchises: Hearing Before the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Business Rights, and Competition of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate, November 1996.

Baade, Robert A. “What Explains the Stadium Construction Boom,” Journal of Real Estate December 1996: 5-11.

Baade, Robert A. “Separating Myth from Reality: Trends in the Market for Professional Sports Teams and Stadiums.” Tennessee’s Business 7, nos.1-2 (1996): 17-24.

Baade, Robert A. and Jeffrey O. Sundberg. “What Determines Alumni Generosity?” Economics of Education Review 15, no. 1 (1996): 75-81.

Baade, Robert A. and Jeffrey O. Sundberg. “Fourth Down and Gold to Go? Assessing the Link Between Athletics and Alumni Giving.” Social Science Quarterly 77, no. 4 (1996): 789-803.

Baade, Robert A. “Professional Sports As Catalysts for Metropolitan Economic Development.” Journal of Urban Affairs 18, no. 1 (1996): 1-17.

Baade, Robert A. “Stadium Subsidies Make Little Economic Sense for Cities, A Rejoinder.” Journal of Urban Affairs 18, no. 1 (1996): 33-8.

Baade, Robert A. “Stadiums, Professional Sports, and City Economics: An Analysis of the United States Experience.” The Stadium and the City. Eds. John Bale and Olaf Moen.  (Keele, England: Keele University Press, 1995).

Baade, Robert A. “Stadiums, Professional Sports, and Economic Development: Assessing the Reality.” Heartland Policy Study 62 (28 Mar. 1994): 1-39.

Baade, Robert A. and Carolyn Tuttle. “Owner Collusion or Sound Fiscal Management: An Analysis of Recent Events in Baseball’s Labor Market.” Seton Hall Journal of Sport and Law 1, no. 1 (1991): 41-60.

Baade, Robert A. and Laura J. Tiehen. “An Analysis of Major League Baseball Attendance, 1969-1987.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 14, no. 1 (1990): 14-31.

Baade, Robert A. and Richard Dye. “An Analysis of the Impact Stadiums and Professional Sports Have on Metropolitan Area Development.” Growth and Change Spring 1990: 1-14.

Baade, Robert A. and Nader Nazmi. “Currency Substitution and Money Demand in the United States, West Germany, and Japan.” Kredit und Kapital 22, no. 3 (1989): 363-74.

Baade, Robert A. and Richard Dye. “An Analysis of the Economic Rationale for Public Subsidization of Sports Stadiums.” The Annals of Regional Science 22, no. 2 (1988): 37-47. 

Baade, Robert A. and Richard Dye. “Sports Stadiums and Area Development: A Critical View.” Economic Development Quarterly 2, no. 3 (1988): 265-75.

Baade, Robert A. and Diane Carol Bast. “Socialized Stadiums.” The Freeman | Ideas on Liberty Sept. 1987: 327-9.

Baade, Robert A. “Is There An Economic Rationale For Subsidizing Sports Stadiums?” Heartland Policy Study 23 Feb. 1987: 1-27.

Baade, Robert A. “Does the Eurocurrency Market Promote A More Even Distribution of World Financial Resources?” MidSouth Journal of Economics 2 Dec. 1985.

Baade, Robert A. and Jonathan Galloway. “Monetary Integration in a Twelve Member European Community: The Implications for Greece, Portugal, and Spain.” The Contemporary Mediterranean World.  Eds. Carl Pinkele and Adamantia Pollis Pinkele.  (New York: Praeger, 1983), 221-36.

Baade, Robert A. “A Monetarist (Asset) Approach to Exchange Rate Determination: The Evidence Since 1973.” Kredit und Kapital  3 (1981): 341-9.

Baade, Robert A. “The Protectionist Sentiment in the Seventies: Its Implications for Factor Real Incomes in the U.S..” Empirical Economics 6 (1981): 145-161.

Baade, Robert A., “Exchange Rate Systems and Inflation,” Acta Monetaria 4 (1980): 13-24.

Baade, Robert A. “Are U.S. Direct Foreign Investments the Product of an Offensive-Minded Investment Strategy?” Management International Review (Universitat Hohenheim) 19, no. 4 (1979): 21-30.

Baade, Robert A. and Jonathan Galloway. “Economic Sanctions Against the Union of South Africa.” Alternatives - A Journal of World Policy 4 (1978-79): 487-505.

Baade, Robert A. “Prices and Payments Systems: Comparing the Inflation-Generating-and-Transmitting Capabilities of the Bretton Woods and Managed Floating International Payments Systems,” Proceedings of the Illinois Economic Association Oct. 1977: 89-102.

Baade, Robert A. and J. David Richardson. (1973), “Commercial Policy and Functional Income Distribution in the United States” Working Paper 12.  The Impact of Selected Programs on the Distribution of Income, University of Wisconsin at Madison. 1973:1-81.

Essays and Invited Columns in Periodicals or Newspapers (Partial List)

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson. “Prime Site Can Be Put to Better Use.” Chicago Sun-Times. 8 Aug. 2001: 43.

Baade, Robert A. “Fields of Fantasies.” The Lexington Herald Leader 18 Aug. 1996.

Baade, Robert A. and Allen R. Sanderson. “Fields of Fantasies” Intellectual Ammunition (Heartland Institute Publication) March/April 1996:1 & 3.

Baade, Robert A. “Domeing for Dollars?” Houston Chronicle 4 Sept. 1994: 1E+

Baade, Robert A. and Sundberg, Jeffrey O. “The Determinants of Alumni Giving” Chronicle of Higher Education Sept. 1993.

Baade, Robert A. “In Pro Sports, the Only Competition is On-Field.” USA Today Baseball Weekly 10-16 May 1991: 7.

Baade, Robert A. “Did State Legislature Strike Out by Subsidizing Sox Stadium?” Chicago Enterprise 6 Aug. 1988: 22.

Baade, Robert A. “Stadiums Too Often Toss Fiscal Reality for a Loss” Newsday 29 Mar. 1988: 57.

Baade, Robert A. and Diane Carol Bast.  “Stadiums Won’t Satisfy Taxpayers Appetite for Economic Growth.” A Heartland Perspective 6 Apr. 1987: 1-3.

Invited Talks / Professional Presentations

“The Paradox of Championships,” presented with Victor Matheson at Western Economic Association Meetings in Denver, Colorado on July 14, 2003.
“Evaluating Subsidies for Professional Sports:  A Public Sector Primer,” speech at the invitation of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy and Imperial College Business School, London, England, June 24, 2003.

“Are Diamonds Forever?  An Assessment of the Economic Viability of America’s Oldest Baseball Stadium,” presented at the Sports and Media International Conference at the Centre International D’etude du Sport, Neuchatel, Switzerland, May 23-24, 2003.

“The Economic Impact of the NCAA Final Four,” presented with Victor Matheson at the Illinois Economic Association Meetings, Chicago, Illinois,   October, 2002. 
“The Economic Impact of the World Cup,” presented with Victor Matheson at the Western Economic Association Meetings in Seattle,  Washington, July 2002.

“Statistical Techniques for Measuring the Impact of Mega-events, speech at the invitation of the Department of Culture, Government of the United Kingdom, March 2002.

“The Economic Impact of Stadiums and Sports Mega-Events,” Speech at the Invitation of the Government of the United Kingdom, Department of Culture, London, England, April 12, 2002.

“Statistical Issues in Measuring the Economic Impact of Sports,” speech at the invitation of The Andalusian Institute of Sport, the Autonomous Government of Andalusia (Spain) in Malaga, Spain, September 28, 2001.

“The Economic Impact of the Summer Olympic Games: The Experience of Atlanta and Los Angeles,” speech at the invitation of the Government of Greece, Athens, Greece, February 26, 2001.

“Methodological Issues in Investigating the Economic Impact of Mega Events,” speech at the invitation of Centro de Ivestigacco Sobre Economia Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal, November 3, 2000.

“Techniques in Assessing the Economic Impact of Large Public Projects,” speech at the invitation of the Canadian Government, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 4, 2000.

“Anatomy and Implications of the Asian Currency Crisis,” speech of the invitation of the Rotary Club International, October 28, 1998.

“Metropolitan Versus Neighborhood Economic Impact Induced by Professional Sports Teams and Stadiums: What’s the Score?” speech at the invitation of the Department of Economics, Western Michigan University, October 7, 1998.

“Revitalizing Cities: The Role of Sports Facilities,” speech at the invitation of the Urban Land Institute, May 1, 1998, Denver, Colorado.

“Professional Sports and Economic Development: The View of the Judiciary,” speech at the invitation of the National Tax Association, November 10, 1997, Chicago, Illinois.

“Techniques for Measuring the Economic Impact of Large, Urban, Public-Sector Investments,” Speech at the Invitation of the Center for Real Estate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 4, 1996.

“Professional Sports and Economic Development, What’s the Score?” Speech at the Invitation of New England Women in Real Estate, May 27, 1996.

“The Economic Impact of Minor League Sports Facilities,” Speech at the Invitation of the National Council for Urban Economic Development,” Scottsdale, Arizona, February 1, 1996”The Economic Impact of Major League Sports Facilities,” Speech at the Invitation of the National Council for Urban Economic Development,” Scottsdale, Arizona, February 1, 1996.

“Professional Sports - A Winning Investment for States?” Lecture at the Invitation of the National Conference of State Legislatures, July 17, 1995.

“The Stadium And City Economics,” Lecture at the invitation of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and The School of Economics and Commercial Law at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 16, 1993.

“What Cities Should Know About Sports Stadiums.” Lecture at the Invitation of the International Cities Management Association Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 29, 1987.

Other Talks

“Quest for the Cup: The Economic Impact of the 1994 World Cup,” Presented at the Western Economic Association Meetings in Seattle, Washington, July 2, 2002.

With Victor Matheson, “Striking Out? Assessing the Economics of the World Series.” Presented at the Western Economic Association Meetings in San Francisco, July 7, 2001.

Some Observations on the Evolution of Subsidies for Professional Sports.” Presented at the Western Economic Association Meetings in San Francisco, July 7, 2001.

“McDome, A Good Investment for Chicago?” “Chicago Tonight,” WTTW-TV (Channel 11), Chicago, February 5, 1996.

“An Analysis of Trend in the Market for Professional Sports Teams and Stadiums: Separating Myth from Reality,” Hearing Before the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Business Rights, and Competition of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate, November 29, 1995.

“An Analysis of the Determinants of Alumni Giving,” Eastern Economic Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., March 1992.

“America’s Infrastructure Problem,” Chicago Tonight, WTTW-TV (Channel 11), Chicago, April 1991.

“Should Milwaukee Build A New Stadium?” Wisconsin Today, Channel 10, May 1989.

“Is There An Economic Rationale for Sports Stadiums?” Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings in Philadelphia, PA, April 10-12, 1986.

“Funding A New Chicago Sports Stadium: Who Will Pay?” Presented on CHICAGO TONIGHT, WTTW-TV (Channel 11), Chicago, October 8, 1985.

“An Assessment of the Link Between Floating and Global Economic Problems in the 1970s and 1980s.” Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, March 21-23, 1985.

“The Sports Tax.” Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings in New York, NY, March 15-17, 1984.

“Does the Eurocurrency Market Promote a More Even Distribution of World Financial Resources?” Presented at the Midsouth Academy of Economists 11th Annual Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, February 9-11, 1984.

“How Does Mediterranean Membership in the European Community Affect the Case for Monetary Integration?” Presented under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundations’s Conference on “Stability and Change in the Mediterranean World: Prospects and Potentials.” August 24-28, 1981, in Bellagio, Italy.

“The Relationship Between Money and Currency Prices in a Flexible Exchange Rate System.” Presented at the Eastern Economic Association meetings in Montreal, Canada, May 7-10, 1980.

“The Protectionist Sentiment in the Seventies: Its Implications for Factor Real Incomes in the United States.” Presented at International Atlantic Economic Conference in Vienna, Austria, May 10-18, 1979.

“An Analysis of the Link Between U.S. Direct Foreign Investments and Their Profitability in Selected OECD Countries.” Presented at the Atlantic Economic Association meetings in Washington, D.C. on October 12, 1978.

“Homesick, the International Payments System Manages to Float Back to Bretton Woods.” Presented under the sponsorship of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest at St. Olaf College on April 25, 1978.

“Whose Ox Is Gored? The Spirit of the Kennedy Round of Tariff Negotiations and the Distribution of Real Income in the United States.” Presented at the Eastern Economic Association meetings in Washington, D.C. on April 29, 1978.

Baade, R. and Galloway, Jonathan, “Human Rights and Economic Sanctions: New Policy Options Toward South Africa.” Presented at the International Studies Association meetings in Washington, D.C. on February 22, 1978.

“Are U.S. Direct Foreign Investments the Product of Offensive-Minded Investment Strategy?” Presented at the Eastern Economic Association meetings on April 29, 1978 in Washington, D.C.

“Prices and Payments Systems: Comparing the Inflation-Generating-and-Transmitting Capabilities of the Bretton Woods and Managed Floating International Payments Systems.” Presented at the Illinois Economic Association meetings in Chicago on October 5, 1977.

“World Inflation, The Problem Child of the 1970s: Assessing the Role the Monetary System Has Played in Undermining Monetary Discipline.” Presented at the Atlantic Economic Association meetings in October, 1977 in Washington, D.C.

Awards and Honors

Undergraduate and Graduate:

Outstanding Scholar-Athlete, Wisconsin State University Conference, 1967
Selected to Who’s Who on American College and University Campuses, 1967
Ford Fellowships, 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73

Post Graduate:

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Summer, 1977
Selection to “Outstanding Young Men of America,” 1979
Elected “The Great Teacher,” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 1980 (Note: Faculty can be elected only once every six years.)
Nominated by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars for Research Fulbright with the United Kingdom, 1980
Elected “The Great Teacher,” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 1983
Nominated by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars for a Teaching Fulbright Fellowship with the University of the West Indies, Barbados, 1985
Elected “The Great Teacher,” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 1986
Elected “The Great Teacher,” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 1992
Research Grant from the Council for Aid to Education 1992
University of Chicago Fellowships, 1993 and 1994
Selected as an alternate for a Pew Faculty Fellowship, Harvard University, 1993
Selection to the Chicago Tribune’s “All-Professor Team II,” January 28, 1994
Recipient of “The Distinguished Alumni Award,” The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 1994
新澳门六合彩开奖结果 Trustees Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership, 1995
Elected “The Great Teacher,” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 2002