

Kathryn Dohrmann

Kathryn Dohrmann

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Emerita



MPH Socio-Medical Science, Columbia University
PhD Developmental Psychology, Iowa State University
MS Development Psychology, Iowa State University
NSF/AAAS Chautauqua Course in Human Sexuality
BS Honors Program, Iowa State University


Developmental Psychology
Public Health and Environmental Health
Sexuality and Gender
Environmental Psychology
Montessori Education


I study the theory and practice of Montessori education. My research focus concerns high school outcomes for children who attended a public Montessori school from preschool through the fifth grade. I am also interested in Montessori’s pioneering work in environmental education.

One of my longstanding interests is the impact of the environment on health and behavior. This includes not only the effects of a variety of toxins (such as lead, mercury, pesticides and plasticizers), but also the significance of human interactions with natural and built environments.

I have also written about a variety of topics related to health, sexuality, and exercise.

Courses Taught

Senior Seminar: Health Psychology

Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence

Developmental Psychology:  Adulthood and Aging

Environmental Psychology

Environment, Health, Behavior

Psychology of Women/Psychology of Women and Men

Psychology of Sex and Gender

The Science and Politics of Sex Differences

Differential Psychology

Human Sexuality/Human Sexual Behavior

Psychology Applied to Education

Introduction to Psychological Science (and accompanying computer laboratories)

Internship Seminar

Research Design and Methods

Learning and Memory

Psychology and Mysticism (as senior seminar, co-taught with Ron Miller)

Issues in Health Care (co-taught with Richard Runge and Lee Thompson)

Sports Psychology (as tutorial)

Eco-Therapy (as tutorial)

Professional and Honorary Societies

Society for the Scientific Study of Sexualities

(Illinois Chairperson, 19821983)
(Midcontinental Membership Committee, 19821983)
(Midcontinental Representative to the National Board of Directors, 19831984)

Running Psychologists

(Midwest Coordinator, 19811983)

Phi Kappa Phi

Psi Chi

Omicron Nu

Sigma Xi 


Recipient of a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (via the Environmental Studies Program at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果) to create the Lake Effect Environmental Archive. The archive contains resources relevant to the environmental, historic, public health and scientific issues surrounding the pollution of Waukegan Harbor. (20112012)

Recipient of an Academic Innovation Grant from 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 for a proposal entitled “CyberPsych” (a curriculum to promote web literacy in child psychology students). (20012002)

In Preparation

Dohrmann, K. R.  With Nature in Mind: The Legacy of Maria Montessori. Springer (manuscript in preparation)


Dohrmann, K. R. (2016) Ecosystems of meaning: A place-based environmental psychology course. Symposium on Field Study: Establishing Best-Practices at the Intersection of Place, Pedagogy, Innovation and Technology.

Dohrmann, K. R., Nishida, T., Gartner, A., Lipsky, D. & Grimm, K. (2007).  High school outcomes for students in a public Montessori program.  Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22, 205-217.

Dohrmann, K. R. Outcomes for students in a Montessori program: A longitudinal study of the experience in the Milwaukee Public Schools. (2003). Association Montessori Internationale/ USA, 410 Alexander Street, Rochester, New York. 14607-1028. Full text available at:
 (via the link to AMI/USA)

Dohrmann, K. R. Evaluating outcomes of Montessori education: A review of research. (2003). Association Montessori Internationale/ USA, 410 Alexander Street, Rochester, New York. 14607-1028

Rindskopf, K. & Lederman, S. (1986). Weight gain in pregnancy . Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 15, 446-453.

Rindskopf, K. & Gratsch, S. (1983). Women and exercise: A therapeutic approach.  Women and Therapy, 1, 15-26.

Rindskopf, K. & Cudlip, L. (1982). Subtle signals: A content analysis of sex education books for young children.  SIECUS Reports, 10, 9-11.

Rindskopf, K. (1981). A perilous paradox: The contraceptive behavior of college students.  Journal of the American College Health Association, 30, 113-118.

Rindskopf, K. & Hayle, N. (1980). The shadow of violence.  Journal of Popular Film and Television, 8, 2-8.

Rindskopf, K. & Hayle, N. (1980). “Cruising:” In quest of the shadow . Psychological Reports, 11, 227-231.

Rindskopf, K. & Charles, D.C. (1974). Instructor age and the older learner.  The Gerontologist, 14, 479-482.

Selected Papers Presented

Dohrmann, K. R. Learning through the lens of Environmental Psychology. Symposium on Field Study: Establishing Best-Practices at the Intersection of Place, Pedagogy, Innovation and Technology. Colorado Springs, July 11, 2015.

Dohrmann, K. R., Gartner, A., Lipsky, D. Grimm, K. & Nishida, T.  High school outcomes for students previously in a Montessori program. Presented at the Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development. Boston, March, 2007.

Dohrmann, K. R. High school outcomes for Montessori students. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 2006.

Garter, A., Lipsky, D.K., & Dohrmann, K. R. (2003). “Educating the Human Potential:” A longitudinal study of Milwaukee Public Montessori Schools. AMI/USA National Meeting, Minneapolis, July 24.

Dohrmann, K. R. & Resnick, K. (1998). Reclaiming Pandora. Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology. March 7, Baltimore.

Dohrmann, K. R. & Wright, A. (1995). Perceptions of female condom users: Virtue is in the eye of the beholder. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexualities. June 7, Minneapolis.

Rindskopf, K. & Gratch, S. (1982). Women and exercise: Self-image and sexuality. Midwest Symposium on Exercise and Mental Health. April 24, Lake Forest.

Rindskopf, K. (1981). Subtle signals: A content analysis of sex education books for young children. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexualities. November 21, New York.

Rindskopf, K. & Gratch, S. (1981). Women, psychotherapy and running: Clinical and research experience. Midwest Symposium on Exercise and Mental Health. April 25, Lake Forest.

Rindskopf, K. (1980). A perilous paradox: The contraceptive behavior of college students. Midwest Meeting of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. October 18, Chicago.

Rindskopf, K. & Gratch, S. (1980). The synergy of running and group psychotherapy. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. May 6, San Francisco.

Selected Conferences and Workshops Organized

The Art of the Prose Poem. (April, 2006) Immaculate Conception Parish, Chicago.

Women’s Stories, Women’s Lives.  (January, 1996). Gorton Community Center, Lake Forest, Illinois.

The Lost Goddesses of Early Greece.  (1995). Common Ground-Chicago and Deerfield, North Shore Unitarian Church-Deerfield, IL, Gorton Community Center, Lake Forest, IL.

The Body Speaks: Girls and Eating Disorders. (1994). Lake Forest High School “Dimensions.”

Sometimes Single Parent.  (1992). United Way of Lake Forest.

Co-Chair, Midwest Symposium on Exercise and Mental Health.  (April 23-24, 1982 and April 25, 1981). 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

Overcoming Math Anxiety. (1980). 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

Learning Theory and Bibliographic Instruction. (1982). Illinois Association of College and University Librarians. Chicago. (1978) North Suburban Library Association.

Sexuality and the Developmentally Disabled. (1979). Lamb’s Institute, Libertyville, Illinois.

Co-Chair, Current Trends in Health Care Delivery.  (November 1-2, 1978). 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

Co-Chair, If You Don’t Stop Doing It, You’ll Go Blind: Sexuality and the College Student.  (November 19-21, 1977). 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

College Activities


Human Subjects Review Committee, 2018-present; Chair, Fall 2018-Spring 2020

City of Lake Forest Collaborative for Environmental Leadership, Fall, 2018-present

Environmental Studies, Associated Faculty 2017-present

Education Advisory Committee, 2007-present

Science and Health Care Pathway, 2018-present


Environmental Studies

Chair, Environmental Studies Program, 2007-2009

Environmental Studies Program Committee, 2007-2016

Associated Faculty, Environmental Studies Department

Faculty Advisor, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 Student Garden at Glen Rowan, 2017-present

Garden Advisory Board, 2009-2016


Internships Committee, 2005-2019

Academic Writing Committee, 2007-2008

Trustee Committee, Property and Operations, 2007-2009, 2012-13

Faculty advisor to student environmental organization, LEAP (2008-2011)

Faculty advisor to Tusitala, the literary magazine of 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 (1999-2000)

Chair, Health Services Institute (1982-1983).

Trustee Committee on Athletics (1981-1983)

Long Range Planning Committee (1979-1981)

College Council (1978-1979)

Committee on Women and Minorities (1976-1978)

Other Activities


·         Midland Authors Society Poetry Awards Judge (1999-2001)

·         finalist in the Gwendolyn Brooks Open Mic Contest (2003)

·         finalist in WBEZ Illinois poet laureate contest (2004)

·         poetry readings in the Chicago area (including the Chicago Cultural Center)

·         publications in a variety of journals (including The A-3 Review, CALYX, Thema, Turning Wheel, Homo Oeconomicus, East on Central, The Ekphrastic Review, the Last Stanza Poetry Journal.

·         Invited participant in the 2009 Poetic Dialogue Project 

·         Anthologized in Collaborative Vision

(2009, ) and All About Eve (Wolfsinger Publications, 2010)

Environmental:  advocacy, lectures and workshops over the past four decades in the Chicago area. Founder of the Lake Forest Coop and of Simple Things for a Better Environment.