
Modern Languages and Literatures

Jean-Luc Garneau

Professor of French, Emeritus

Modern Languages and Literatures


French Literature
Littérature québécoise
French/English Bilingual Lexicology


Licence ès Lettres, Université Laval, Canada
MA Linguistics, University of Illinois, Chicago
BA Université Laval

Courses Taught

First-Year Studies: Understanding Language
Literature in Translation: Camus Philosopher of the Absurd
Descriptive Linguistics
Linguistics and Literature
All courses offered in the French Department
Team-taught course on the Modern Short Story


Semantic Divergence in Anglo-French Cognates: A Synchronic Study in Contrastive Lexicography. Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL 1985

La rivière des Morts, Contes et Poèmes. La Plume d’Oie Edition. Québec. 1999

Scholarly Articles

“A Study of Two Aspects of Semantic Divergence in Anglo-French Cognates”. In Equivalences, Bruxelles, Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et d’Interprètes. 1972

“Anglo-French Misleading Transfer Items: A Semantic Analysis”. The Second LACUS Forum 1975. Hornbeam Press, Columbia, South Carolina.

“French and English Prepositions: A Bi-Stratal Study.” The Fourth LACUS Forum 1977. Hornbeam Press, Columbia, South Carolina.

“A Stratificational View of Chiasmatic Structures in French and English.” The Eighth LACUS Forum 1981. Hornbeam Press. Columbia, South Carolina.

“Regards sociolinguistiques sur la langue du théâtre de Michel Tremblay.” The Tenth LACUS Forum 1984. Hormbeam Press, Columbia, South Carolina.

“French Pronominal Verbs: A Sememic Approach.” The Eleventh LACUS Forum 1985. Hornbeam Press, Columbia, South Carolina.

“Translating English Emphasis into French: A Sememic Approach.” The Thirteenth LACUS Forum 1987. Hornbeam Press, Columbia, South Carolina

“What to Say and What not to Say: Anaphorical Elements in French and English.” The Fifteenth LACUS Forum 1988. Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL.

“Vocabulary Distinction: Just a Word on ‘Le Mot Juste’.” The Sixteenth LACUS Forum 1989. Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL.

Let’s Talk Turkey: Animal Metaphors in French and English.” The Seventeenth LACUS Forum 1990. Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL.

“The Right Side and the Wrong Side of the Tracks: Categorization and Metaphoric Extension in French and English.” The Nineteenth LACUS Forum 1992. Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, IL.


Beyond Gestures. Translation of Au-Delà des Gestes by Marcel and Gabriel Piqueray, in collaboration with Robert Archambeau.

Fragments. Translation of Fragments by Paul Nougé, in collaboration with Robert Archambeau.

Current Research and Interests

La Fable moderne en France et au Québec
Food Metaphors in French and English
La grammaire lexicale, ou l’apprentissage du mot juste
Maxims in the works of Marguerite Yourcenar

Lectures Given and Seminars Led

“Le séparatisme au Québec.” Faculty Luncheon discussion.  新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

“La langue québécoise et son emploi dans le théâtre de Michel Tremblay.”  Alliance Française de Chicago.

“L’automne par la fenêtre du poème.”  Cénacle, Chicago and Evanston French Club

“Montaigne, homme de son temps..  Cercle Français de Chicago.

“Michel Tremblay et la réalité québécoise.”  Evanston French Club.

“Le langage codé de la poésie de Saint-John Perse.” Faculty Luncheon discussion.  新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

“Malraux: La condition humaine.”  Theology and Literature Group, Highland Park.

“La poésie de Saint-John Perse.”  Cénacle. Chicago.

“Le ‘joual’ de Michel Tremblay.”  Alliance Française de Chicago.

“Trois poètes québécois.” Evanston French Club.

“L’univers poétique d’Anne Hébert.”  Alliance Française de Chicago.

“La politique de la langue au Québec.”  Evanston French Club.

“Thématique et symbolisme de ‘La femme adultère’ de Camus.” Maison Française de Chicago.

“Camus: l’Exil ou le Royaume.” Evanston French Club.

“Madame Bovary.” Theology and Literature Group. Highland Park.      

“Thérèse Desqueyroux,” Mauriac.  Theology and Literature Group. Highland Park.

“Comment lire un conte de Daudet.” Evanston French Club.

“Les grands écrivains québécois.” Alliance Française de Lake Forest.

“Les moeurs québécoises dans un roman de Marie-Claire Blais.”  Evanston French Club.

“La poésie, le roman et le théâtre actuels au Québec.” Maison Française de Chicago.

“Les faux-amis, traquenards de l’étudiant du français comme langue seconde.” Evanston French Club.

“La poésie d’Anna de Noailles.”  Alliance Française de Lake Forest.

“Les faux-amis.” Illinois Foreign Language Teachers Association.  Chicago.

“Jacques Prévert: poète visuel.”  Evanston French Club.

“Jacques Prévert ‘en vers’ et contre tous.” Wisconsin Association of Teachers of French.  Madison.

“Le Petit Prince, un petit bonhomme solitaire.”  Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“Le père Goriot ou la paternité exagérée.”  Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“Boule de suif ou la petite diligence sur les beaux chemins de France.” Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“Les jardins de Voltaire dans ‘Candide’.”  Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“Le rêve et la réalité dans ‘Les lettres de mon moulin’ de Daudet.” Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“La vision binoculaire du monde dans Madame Bovary.” Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“L’ambiguité comme expression de l’absurde dans ‘La femme adultre’ de Camus.” Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“Saint-Denys Garneau: La quête de l’idéalité.”  Alliance Française de Chicago.

“Two Models of Language Description: Transformational Grammar and Stratificational Grammar.” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. Red and Black.

“The State of the French Language in Québec.”  Convocation. 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

“André Gide: L’immoraliste.”  Northbrook Public Library.

“L’exil et le royaume de Camus.”  Northbrook Public Library.

“Le rouge et le noir de Stendhal.”  Northbrook Public Library

“Colette est-elle féministe?”  Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“Le symbolisme dans le roman québécois La guerre,Yes Sir de Roch Carrier.”  Mundelein College.

“Lecture d’un poème de Baudelaire.”  Alliance Française d’Evanston.

“How to avoid the pitfalls of ‘double-entendre’ such as when the French say ‘affaires’ they mean ‘business’.”  Alliance Française de Chicago.

“La symphonie pastorale d’André Gide.”  Alliance Française du North Shore.

“Linguistics over Lunch: A Recipe for Literary Analysis à la Garneau.” Faculty Luncheon, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

“Correspondance de George Sand et de Flaubert.” Alliance Française of Evanston

“The Little Prince: A Solitary little Fellow.” Alliance Française de Chicago

“What is Language?” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, Last Lecture Series.

“Camus: The Fall from Innocence.” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. Lecture to Women’s Board.

“When the French say “affaire” they mean business.” McDougal Littell of Evanston
“Les maximes dans Alexis de Marguerite Yourcenar.” Alliance Française d’Evanston

“The Art of Story Telling and the Telling of one of my own Short Stories.” Northwest Cultural Council, Rolling Meadows.

NEH Library Seminars on Nobel Prize Winners. Barrington Library and Lincolnwood Library

Russell’s   Unpopular Essays

Faulkner’s  The Sound and the Fury

Hesse’s  Steppenwolf

Camus’  The Plague

Churchill’s  The Gathering Storm

Seminars on the theme 鈥淲orking鈥 at the Palatine and Barrington Libraries.

Baker’s Growing up

Miller’s  Death of a Salesman

Cather’s  The Professor’s House

Terkel’s  Working

Ogilvy’s  Confessions of an Advertising Man

At the Newberry Library in Chicago, the following seminars:

“Albert Camus: Philosopher of the Absurd”  (Four times)

“Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:  An Affair with the Transcendent”

“André Malraux: Adventures in the Spirit”

“André Gide:  Self and Society”

“Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil

At the Alliance Française of Chicago, Spring 2001

Three seminars

“La langue Franco-canadienne”

“La poésie québécoise” and “Le roman québécois”

Awards and Honors

Outstanding Teaching Award, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 1982