

Anna Trumbore Jones

Anna Trumbore Jones

Professor of History



Medieval History
Late Antiquity
History of Christianity
Ancient History


PhD Columbia University
MPhil Columbia University
MA Columbia University
BA The University of Chicago

Courses Taught

FIYS 120: From Community to Violence: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean
FIYS 134: Women in Medieval Christianity
FIYS 199: The Past and Future of a Plague
History 110:  Global Change: The Power of History
History 204:  Roman History
History 205:  Medieval History
History 243:  Crusade and Holy War in Medieval Europe
History 246:  Renaissance and Reformation
History 282: The Pre-Modern Body
History 284:  Epidemic Disease in European History
History 300:  The Historian's Workshop
History 322:  Saints, Blood, and Money in Roman and Medieval Christianity
History 326:  Identity, Body, and Persecution in Medieval Europe
History 328: The European Reformations, 1200-1600
History 420: History and Religion (Senior Seminar)


John S. Ott and Anna Trumbore Jones, The Medieval Clergy, 800-1250:  A Sourcebook (PIMS, 2024)

Anna Trumbore Jones, Noble Lord, Good Shepherd: Episcopal Power and Piety in Aquitaine, 877-1050 (Leiden, 2009)

John S. Ott and Anna Trumbore Jones, eds., The Bishop Reformed: Studies of Episcopal Power and Culture in the Central Middle Ages, Church, Faith and Culture in the Central Middle Ages series (Aldershot, 2007)


“Évêques, moines, et chanoines en Aquitaine, Xe-XIe siècle: Liens familiaux, politiques, et spirituels,” in Évêques et communautés religieuses dans la France médiévale, ed. Noëlle Deflou-Leca and Anne Massoni, Histoire ancienne et médiévale 185 (Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2022), pp. 173-195 

“Houses of Canons and Episcopal Authority in Tenth-Century Aquitaine,” in Israël du Dorat: Être chanoine en l’an Mil.  Discipline, culture, cadres institutionnels et monumentaux des chanoines entre les temps carolingiens et la Réforme grégorienne, ed. Anne Massoni and Eric Sparhubert (Limoges: PULIM, 2019), pp. 81-104

“‘The Most Blessed Hilary Held an Estate’: Property, Reform, and the Canonical Life in Tenth-Century Aquitaine,” Church History 85.1 (March 2016), pp. 1-39

“‘Customs Confirmed by Reason and Authority’: The Function and Status of Houses of Canons in Tenth-Century Aquitaine,” in Where Heaven and Earth Meet, ed. Michael Frassetto, John G. Hosler, and Matthew Gabriele, Studies in the History of Christian Traditions (Leiden and Boston, 2014), pp. 127-151

“The Power of an Absent Pope: Privileges, Forgery, and Papal Authority in Aquitaine, 877-1050,” in Canon Law, Religion, and Politics, eds. Uta-Renate Blumenthal and Anders Winroth (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press, 2012), pp. 118-35

“Discovering the Aquitanian Church in the Corpus of Ademar of Chabannes,” Haskins Society Journal 19 (2007), pp. 82-98

“Lay Magnates, Religious Houses, and the Role of the Bishop in Aquitaine (877-1050),” in The Bishop Reformed: Studies of Episcopal Power and Culture in the Central Middle Ages, pp. 23-43

“Pitying the Desolation of Such a Place: Rebuilding Religious Houses and Constructing Memory in Aquitaine in the Wake of the Viking Incursions,” Viator 37 (2006), pp. 85-102

“Fragments of Devotion: Charters and Canons in Aquitaine 876-1050,” in History in the Comic Mode: Medieval Communities and the Matter of Person, eds. Rachel Fulton and Bruce Holsinger (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), pp. 81-90

“Les relations entre les évêques et les communauté s religieuses en Aquitaine, IXe-XIe siècle,” Annales du Midi 255 (Sept 2006), pp. 453-57

Book Reviews

Review of Kriston R. Rennie, The Collectio Burdegalensis: A Study and Register of an Eleventh-Century Canon Law Collection. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013. The English Historical Review 131 (April 2016)

Review of Jean Truax, Archbishops Ralph d’Escures, William of Corbeil, and Theobald of Bec: Heirs of Anselm and Ancestors of Becket.  Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.  The English Historical Review 129 (August 2014)

Review of Religious and Laity in Western Europe 1000-1400: Interaction, Negotiation, and Power, eds. Emilia Jamroziak and Janet Burton.  Europa Sacra 2.  Turnhout: Brepols, 2006.  The Catholic Historical Review 94.2 (Apr 2008)

Review of Thomas Gergen, Pratique juridique de la paix et trêve de Dieu à partir du concile de Charroux (989-1250) = Juristische Praxis der Pax und Treuga Dei ausgehend vom Konzil von Charroux (989-1250).  Rechtshistorische Reihe 285.  Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2003. Speculum 80.4 (Oct 2005)

Review of Claude Carozzi and Huguette Taviani-Carozzi, eds. Année Mille, an mil.  Le temps de l’histoire.  Aix en-Provence:  Publications de l’Université de Provence, 2002. Speculum 80.1 (Jan 2005)

Conference Papers

Oct 2018 “Reform, Wealth, and the Canons of Saint-Hilaire-de-Poitiers.”  Ordonner l’Église II: Communautés cléricales et communautés monastiques dans le monde carolingien (8e-10es.).  10-13 October 2018, Université de Poitiers, CESCM

May 2017 “Evêques, moines et chanoines en Aquitaine, s. X-s. XI: Liens familiaux, politiques, pieux et diocésains.”  Évêques et communautés religieuses dans le royaume de France et ses marges (816-1563): Stratégies politiques, enjeux, confrontations. Colloque Introductif ANR  Colémon, Grenoble

May 2016  Participant in panel in memory of Thomas F. Head.  International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

November 2014  “Les évêques d’Aquitaine et les communautés de chanoines du IXe au XIe siècle.” Saint Israël, chanoine de l’An Mil: Établissements canoniaux, pouvoir épiscopal, et seigneuries laïques au temps des premiers Capétiens, Limousin et royaume de France.  Université de Limoges, 28-29 November 2014

November 2014  “Les chanoines de Saint-Hilaire et la question de la propriété.”  Séminaire de doctorants, histoire du Moyen Age, Département d’Histoire de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Limoges, Université de Limoges, 27 November 2014

May 2014  “The Most Blessed Hilary Held an Estate: Property, Reform, and Canonical Life in Tenth-Century Aquitaine.” International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University.  Part of panel organized by me, entitled From Aachen to the Augustinians: Houses of Canons and Reform, 9th-12th Centuries

May 2012 “Vocabulary of Change: Distinctions Drawn between Monks and Canons in Tenth-Century Aquitaine.”  International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

May 2010 “The Power of an Absent Pope: Privileges, Forgery, and Papal Authority in Aquitaine, 877-1050.” International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

Jan 2008 “Where the Bishop is Known to Rule: Cathedrals in Tenth-Century Aquitaine.”  American Historical Association, Annual Meeting 2008, Washington D.C.

Feb 2007   “Ademar of Chabannes and the Council of Limoges 1031.”  Medieval Intellectual History Seminar, Newberry Library

Nov 2006   “Discovering the Aquitanian Church in the Corpus of Ademar of Chabannes.”  25th Conference of the Charles Homer Haskins Society, Georgetown University

May 2006 “The Bishops of Aquitaine and the Peace of God (989-1040).” International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

April 2005 “Lay Magnates, Religious Houses, and the Role of the Bishop in Aquitaine (900-1050).”  Medieval Academy of America, Annual Meeting 2005, Miami Beach

July 2004  “Religious Houses in Poitou in the Wake of the Norman Incursions.”  International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds.  Part of panel organized by me, entitled Norman Consequences:  New Perspectives on the Aftermath of the Viking Invasions in France and Belgium

May 2004  “Monks, Canons and Reform in Eleventh-Century Aquitaine.”  International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

July 2003  “Ad Locum Sanctum, Ad Stipendia Fratrum:  Organization of Cathedral Lands in Tenth-Century Aquitaine.”  International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds

May 2003  “Bishop Ebles of Limoges (944-ca. 977) and Ideals of Episcopal Behavior in Tenth-Century Aquitaine.”  International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

October 2002  “Portraits of a Bishop:  Reconciling the Conflicting Images of Grimoard of Angoulême (991-1018).”  Yale University Graduate Student Medieval Studies Conference

Awards and Honors

Spring 2021 Charles F. Behling Award - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 

Spring 2020 Commitment to Student Development Award - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 

Spring 2018 ACM FaCE grant to support Fall 2018 collaborative project: Tools for Teaching a Diverse Pre-Modern Western History

Spring 2016  Trustee Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership

Spring 2008  William L. Dunn Award for Outstanding Teaching and Scholarly Promise, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果

Spring 2007 Hotchkiss Fellowship, competitive one-semester leave - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果

Summer 2006 Junior Faculty Grant from the Dean of the Faculty’s Office - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果

Summer 2005 Junior Faculty Grant from the Dean of the Faculty’s Office - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果

Summer 2004 Junior Faculty Grant from the Dean of the Faculty’s Office - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果

Summer 2002 Mellon Foundation Interpretive Seminar in the Humanities - Huntington Library

2001-2002 Bourse Chateaubriand en Sciences Sociales, which allowed for a year spent in France doing archival research, based at the CESCM in Poitiers.

Summer 2001 History Department Summer Research Grant - Columbia University

1997-2001 President’s Fellowship - Columbia University

1996-1997 Richard A. Hofstadter Fellowship - Columbia University