

Craig Knuckles

Craig Knuckles

Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Chair of Digital Media Design

Math and Computer Science


Software engineering
Database-driven web applications
Linux system administration
Statistical computing


Web/Internet Architecture & Technologies


PhD Mathematics, Louisiana State University
MS Mathematics, Tennessee Technological University
BS Mathematics, Tennessee Technological University

Courses Taught

Computer Science 107 Introduction to Web Programming
Computer Science112 Introduction to Structured Programming
Computer Science 312 Web Applications
Math 105 Probability & Statistics
Math 110 Calculus
Math 230 Abstract & Discrete
Math 330/331 Abstract Algebra
Math 350/351 Mathematical Probability/Statistics
Math 411 Topology


Web Applications (with Perl,JavaScript,PHP, ASP,SQL,XML), Craig Knuckles & David Yuen (authors), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., to Appear 2003.

Introduction to Interactive Programming on the Internet using HTML and JavaScript, Craig Knuckles (author), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.


Dynamic HTML, Article in The Internet Encyclopedia, 3 Volumes, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., To appear 2003.

A Net-Centric Curricular Focus, The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Vol 17 No. 2 (2002), 75-81.

C1 Selections of Multifunctions in one Dimension, Real Analysis Exchange, Vol. 22 No. 21 (1996), 655-676. (with Wolenski, Peter R)

Remarks on the Cauchy problem for multi-valued linear operators, Partial Differential Equations (Han-sur-Lesse,1993), Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1994, 174-187. (with Neubrander, Frank)

Invited Talks

Presented the paper A Net-Centric Curricular Focus at the Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges Northeastern (CCSCNE) Conference, Worcester State College, Worcester, MA, April 2002.

The Technologies Surrounding Client-Server Web Applications and the Resulting Educational Challenges. Delivered to the Chicago Data Processing Education Council (CDPEC), chairman Jim Lehman of Federal Reserve Bank. The 90 minute presentation was delivered at the Discover Financial Building on November 9, 2000.

Awards and Honors

William L. Dunn Award for Outstanding Teaching and Scholarly Promise. May 2002, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

Award for Teaching Excellence. May 1994, Louisiana State University.