

Dan LeMahieu

Dan LeMahieu

Hotchkiss Presidential Professor, Emeritus



Ph.D. Harvard University
M.A. Harvard University
B.A. summa cum laude, Lawrence University


D. L. LeMahieu and Christopher Cowley, eds.  Philosophy and Life Writing.  London: Routledge, 2019.

D. L. LeMahieu.  A Culture for Democracy: Mass Communication and the Cultivated Mind in Britain Between the Wars. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Clarendon Imprint), 1988. 414 pages.  

D. L. LeMahieu.  The Mind of William Paley: A Philosopher and His Age. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1976. 226 pages.


"Theodor Adorno and Life Writing in the Anthropocene."  Life Writing. 20, 3 (2023): 545-561.

"Eric Sevareid and the Emotional Registers of Liberal Masculinity."  Gender & History. 35, 1 (March, 2023): 287-304.

“British Academic Life Writing and Meritocratic Virtue.” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, 36, 2 (2021): 267-290.

“Life Writing and Philosophy: Bryan Magee and the Subjectivities of the Examined Life.”  Life Writing, 15, 3 (2018): 399-411; and in D. L. LeMahieu and Christopher Cowley, eds. Philosophy and Life Writing.  London: Routledge, 2019.  Pp. 95-107.

“‘The History Man’ on Television: Ideology and Mediated Embodiment.”  Adaptation, 10, 1 (2017): 127-140.

“Exchange Value: British ‘Scholarship Boys’ in Mid-Twentieth Century America.” Journal of American Studies, 51, 1 (2017): 183-204.

“Kermode’s War.” Literature & History.  25, 1 (2016): 76-94.

“An Awkward Quarrel: The Defense of Humanism in 1970s Britain.” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 23, 1 (2015): 1-23.

“‘Scholarship Boys’ in Twilight: The Memoirs of Six Humanists in Post-Industrial Britain.” Journal of British Studies, 53:4 (2014): 1011-31.

“Lost Fathers: Raymond Williams and the Signal Box at Pandy.”  Life Writing. 11, 1 (2014): 69-83.

“Digital Memory, Moving Images, and the Absorption of Historical Experience.”  Film & History.  41,1 (2011): 82-106.

“The Ethopoetic Moment.”  Scope: An Online Journal of Film & TV Studies.  13 (February, 2009). 

“Preface” William Paley, Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (1785). (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 2002): xi - xxvii.

“Honest to God and the Discourse on Patriarchy in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain.”  Christianity and Literature . 51, 1 (2001): 43-63.

“America and the Representation of British History in Film and Television” in Roland Quinault and Fred Leventhal, eds., Anglo-American Attitudes: From Revolution to Partnership.  Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. Pp. 261-78.

“Entrepreneur of Collectivism: Reith of the BBC” in Susan Pedersen and Peter Mandler, eds. After the Victorians: Private Conscience and Public Duty, 1880-1950.  London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. 188-206.

“Imagined Contemporaries: Cinematic and Televised Dramas about the Edwardians in Great Britain and the United States, 1967-1985.”  Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television . 10, 3 (1990): 243-56.

“The Gramophone: Recorded Music and the Cultivated Mind in Britain Between the Wars.”  Technology and Culture. 23, 3 (1982): 372-91.

“Malthus and the Theology of Scarcity.” Journal of the History of Ideas. 40, 3 (1979): 467-74.

Review Articles and Short Pieces (Selected)

“Introduction: Philosophy and Life Writing (Special Issue co-edited by Christopher Cowley).” Life Writing, 15, 3 (2018): 301-303; and in D. L. LeMahieu and Christopher Cowley, eds. Philosophy and Life Writing.  London: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 1-3.

“Being-Here: Heidegger in the 21st Century.” New Media & Society.  17, 3 (2015): 470-475.

“Modular Narratives.” Film & History.  43, 1 (Spring, 2013): 30-34.

“Culture for Mass Audiences” in Mary Kupiec Cayton and Peter W. Williams, eds. Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History. Volume 3.  New York: Charles Scribners’s Sons, 2001. Pp. 259-266.

“The BBC and its Competitors.” Journal of British Studies.  37, 2 (1998):  222-27.

“The Ambiguity of Popularization” in C. Kenneth Waters and Albert Van Helden, eds. Julian Huxley: Biologist and Statesman of Science. Houston: Rice University Press, 1992.  Pp. 252-56.

“The History of British and American Sport: A Review Essay.” Comparative Studies in Society and History: An International Quarterly. 32, 4 (1990): 838-45.

“The Origins of the Advertising Business”. Reviews in American History. 11, 4 (1983): 571-75. 

Book Reviewer (134)

Albion.  American Historical Review.  British Politics Newsletter. Canadian Historical Review.  Catholic Historical Review.  Choice. Church History.  Comparative Studies in Economics.  Comparative Studies in Society and History. Cultural and Social History.  Eighteenth-Century Studies.  Film and History.  H-Albion. The Historian.  History: Reviews of New Books.  Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television.  History Teacher.  Isis.  Journal of British Studies.  Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences.  Journal of Military History.  Journal of Modern History.  Journal of Victorian Culture.  Life Writing.  Media History.  New Media & Society.  Reviews in History. Technology and Culture. Twentieth-Century British History.

Visiting Professorships (Selected)

Harvard University, 1992-93.

University of Michigan, 1984-85.

University of Nebraska, 1973-74.

Service to the College (Selected)

Director, Graduate Program in Liberal Studies, 2003-2023.

Chair, Department of History, 1989-1992, 1995-1996, 2019-2022.

Chair, Department of Communication, 1996-2003, 2005-2009.

President, Theta Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 1976-77, 1989-90, 2005-06, 2014-15.

Principal Author: College Mission Statement 1992.

Awards and Honors (Selected)

Trustee Award for Teaching Excellence, 2006.

Bird Award for Intellectual Contributions, 2002.

Hotchkiss Presidential Professor, 1995-2023.

North American Conference on British Studies Book Award, 1989.

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowship, 1978-79.

Harvard Graduate Prize Fellowship, 1967-72.

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship, 1967-68.

Frederick Lewis Prize to Class Valedictorian, 1967.

Phi Beta Kappa, 1966.

Wisconsin State Debate Champion, 1962.