

Rachel Ragland

Rachel Ragland

Professor of Education, Emerita


Professor of Education, Emerita


Curriculum and Teaching
Secondary Education
Social Studies Education
History Education
Preservice Teacher Education
Student Teacher Supervision
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Assessment in Higher Education


Ed D Teachers College, Columbia University
MS University of Pennsylvania
BA University of Pennsylvania

Courses Taught

Education 210 Observing the Schooling Process
Education 215 Instructional Communication Theory and Practice
Education 220 Philosophy of Education
Education 314 Inclusive Learning Environments
Education 315 Middle School Fieldwork Internship
Education 318 Psychology Applied to Education
Education 418 Student Teaching and Elementary Seminar
Education 419 Curriculum Design and Secondary Methods
Education 420 Methods of Secondary Social Studies 
Education 421 Student Teaching and Secondary Seminar
First-Year Studies 190 Exploring Adolescence


The Teaching American History Project: Lessons for History Educators and Historians. Ragland, Rachel and Woestman, Kelly, eds. Routledge Press. 2009

Invitation to Psychology.  Ragland, Rachel and Saxon, Burt  Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1981, 1985, 1988. (textbook, teacher’s guide, activity and test duplicating masters)

Articles and book chapters

“Coming Full Circle: Using Program Alumni as Cooperating Teachers for the Next Generation of Student Teachers.” (2017) Cogent Education 4(1): 1290906

“Implementing an evidence-based reflective teaching cycle: Using scholarly research in curriculum design.” (2016) Mid-Western Educational Researcher 28 (3) p. 196 - 217.

“Impact of discipline-specific professional development: Implementation of core instructional practices.” (2016) Teacher Development 20 (5) p. 1 – 24.

“Sustaining Changes in History Teachers’ Core Instructional Practices: Impact of Teaching American History Ten Years Later”  (August 2015) The History Teacher . 48 (4).

“Dimensions of Collaborative Faculty Development”, w/ D. Abt-Perkins & R. Pettengill, (summer 2015) Academic Exchange Quarterly, 19 (2). [updated version of 2008 publication] Reprinted in: Sound Instruction, Vol. 7, ISBN 0-9709895-1-7 (October 2015) ]

“Culturally Responsive Partnerships: Putting Theory into Action in Pre-service Teacher Education” (2015) Critical Issues in Teacher Education. 22 p. 14-37.

Book Review: The Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts, The History Teacher, Date Published: February 2015, Vol 48 (2).

Book Review: Handbook of Innovations in Learning, Teachers College Record, Date Published: September 18, 2014  ID Number: 17684

“Preparing Secondary Social Studies/History Teachers: Implementing Authentic Instructional Strategies during Pre-service Experiences” (2014) Social Studies Research and Practice. 9 (2) p.48 - 67.

“Holocaust Education: Analysis of Curricula and Framework: A Case Study of Illinois” (March, 2014) w/ D. Rosenstein. The Social Studies. 

Review of Teach Us History , , Journal of American History, September 2013 (vol. 100, no. 2).

Review of Smithsonian’s History Explorer, , Journal of American History, March 2013 (vol. 100, no. 1).

“Educate, Equip, Engage, Empower: A Framework for Preparing Preservice Teachers in Civic Education”, w/ Elizabeth Milligan, Action in Teacher Education, Vol 33, Number 1, Spring 2011, p. 94-107.

“Dimensions of Collaborative Faculty Development”, w/ D. Abt-Perkins & R. Pettengill, Academic Exchange Quarterly Vol 12, Issue 4, Winter 2008 p. 117-121.

“Using Scholarly Research in Course Redesign: Teaching to Engage Students with Authentic Disciplinary Practices” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Vol 2, Number 2, July 2008.

“Adopting and Sustaining Use of New Teaching Strategies for American History in Secondary Classrooms” Journal of Social Studies Research Vol 31, Number 2, Fall 2007. p.43-60.

“Changing Secondary Teachers’ Views of Teaching American History” The History Teacher. Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2007

“Increasing Teacher Efficacy in High-Need Schools: Lessons from Teaching American History” w/ M.H. Ebner, Success in High Needs Schools, Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2006

“Writing America: Classroom Literacy and Public Engagement” book review in Teachers College Record Vol. 107, No. 11, 2005

“Best Practices in Professional Development: Meeting Teachers at their “Point of Need’”,
Proceedings of Midwestern Educational Research Association 2003 Annual Meeting, October, 2003. ERIC Document Reproduction Service.
“Teaching American History: A Report from the Field (Lake County, IL)”, w/ M.H. Ebner and D. Abt-Perkins, Organization of American Historians Newsletter, Vol. 31, No. 1, February, 2003

“Teachers and Teacher Education: A National Survey”, Teaching of Psychology, Vol. 19, No. 2, April, 1992

“Deviant Behavior”, Activities Handbook for the Teaching of Psychology, Vol. II, Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1988

“The Status of Teachers and Teacher Education in High School Psychology”, Resources in Education, August, 1987. ERIC Document Reproduction Service

Book review in “The Reading Shelf”, Teachers College Record, Vol. 86, Summer, 1985

“Doing Deviant Behavior”, High School Psychology Teacher, Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, May, 1984

“Teaching Psychology at the Secondary Level: The Preparation of Textbooks and Materials” Resources in Education, March, 1982. ERIC Document Reproduction Service

Conference Presentations / Invited Talks

“New to the edTPA Coordinator Role”, Archived at  September 2017

“New to edTPA” IL TPAC webinar, Archived at  September 2017       

“edTPA Professional Growth Plan and Induction Support”, webinar session for Illinois State Board of Education Archived at   September 2016                                                                                       

“Engaging Students with History: Using Historical Thinking Concepts with the C3 Inquiry Cycle” ACI’s Center for Success in High Need Schools’ Summer Institute for Educators June 2016                                 

“Advancing Diversity in the Teaching Workforce: Three Initiatives Working Toward Solutions ACI Project LEAD” AACTE (American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education) Webinar November 2015                  

 “edTPA: Best Practices in Candidate Support”  IL-TPAC (Illinois Teacher Performance Consortium)  Webinar October 2015 
“Breaking Down Barriers: Building Up a Diverse Teacher Workforce for all Students.” IATEPC (Illinois Association for Teacher Education in Private Colleges) Annual Conference, Bloomington, IL  October 2015    

“Discussing the edTPA Process: Challenges and Successes.” IL TPAC (Illinois Teacher Performance Consortium) Annual Conference, Bloomington, IL  September 2015      

“Balancing Teaching with Scholarship” w/ J. Cody and C. Hahn , Learning and Teaching Center Workshop, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果  April 2015            

Presented webinar session for Associated Colleges of Illinois entitled “Integrating edTPA: Backwards/Curriculum Mapping at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.” September,  2014

Presented webinar session for Illinois State Board of Education entitled “Integrating edTPA: Backwards/Curriculum Mapping at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.” Archived at http://www.isbe.net/prep-eval/ppt/edTPA-backward-mapping-pres140821.pdf   August, 2014

Presented session entitled “新澳门六合彩开奖结果 Assessment of Academic Departments/Programs” at the ACM Assessing Student Learning in the Liberal Arts: Sharing Best Practices FaCE Conference, Bjorklunden, Wisconsin October, 2012

Presentation accepted entitled “The Impact of Arts & Sciences Faculty Collaboration and Scholarly Research on Preparing Liberally Educated Teacher Candidates” at the annual conference of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL             February, 2012

Presented a session entitled “Effective Practices in SOTL Professional Development: Creating and Supporting a Collaborative Faculty Community for Classroom Research” with J. Ottenhoff, D. Schodt, D. Bernstein at the annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL 11), Milwaukee, WI.     October, 2011

Chaired and presented workshop session entitled “Designing Metacognitive Strategies for Student Learning across Disciplines” at the annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL 11), Milwaukee, WI. October, 2011

Presented session entitled “Faculty Assessment of Student Learning, Department by Department” at the ACM FaCE Value Culminating Conference, Colorado Springs, CO. October, 2011

Presented a panel session entitled “Educating Under-Resourced Children: Meeting the Challenge What Can We Do to Help?” at Christ Church Lake Forest. October, 2011

Presented session entitled “Goals, Value and Achievements of Collaboration Across Campuses”“ at the ACM Teagle Collegium on Student Learning Closing Conference, St. Paul, MN. October, 2010

Presented Learning and Teaching Center Workshop entitled “Recent Innovations in Teaching a FIYS Course: “Pods” and Much More” w/ A. Mawyer, E. Fischer, H. Swyers, Lake Forest  College. January, 2010

Chaired session entitled “Reflective Judgment and Authentic Learning Experiences” w/ D. Lopatto at the ACM Teagle Collegium on Student Learning Opening Conference, Monmouth, IL.   November, 2008

Chaired session entitled “Evaluation Inside and Outside: Documenting and Assessing the Development of Historical Thinking Skills” at the Teaching American History Symposium at the Annual Conference of the Organization of American Historians, New York, NY, March , 2008

Presented session entitled “Re-conceptualizing Teaching to Engage Students with Authentic Disciplinary Practices”, SoTL Commons Conference, Statesboro, GA.  November, 2007

Presented session entitled “Adopting and Sustaining Use of Research-based Teaching Strategies In Secondary American History Classrooms”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL,  April, 2007

Chaired session entitled “What Is Research and Evaluation Telling Us About the Impact of TAH Grants?” and panel member for wrap-up session at the Teaching American History Symposium at the Annual Conference of the Organization of American Historians, Minneapolis, MN, March , 2007

Presented session entitled “Value-Added Assessment of General Education Outcomes”, Association of American Colleges and Universities’ (AAC&U) Network for Academic Renewal Meeting, Miami, Florida, March 2007

Presented session at U.S. Department of Education Teaching American History Eastern Regional Project Director’s Conference, Cleveland, OH entitled “Using the H-TAH Discussion Network: A Collaboration Tool for TAH Projects” w/ T. Thurston. October 2006

Presented session at Associated Colleges of Illinois Arts and Sciences Colloquium, Chicago, IL entitled “Increasing Teacher Efficacy in High-Need Schools” September 2006

Presented session entitled “A Model Collaboration: Best Practices for College/School Partnerships for Teacher Development”, Annual Meeting of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, D.C. February, 2005

Presented session entitled “Historically Thinking: Images of 19th century Industrial America”, Teaching American History Annual Project Director’s Meeting, Washington, D.C. May, 2004


Coordinated and presented a panel presentation entitled: “Rethinking American History: A Case Study in Inter-Institutional Collaboration”; 83rd Annual Conference of National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, IL  November, 2003


Presented session entitled “Best Practices in Professional Development: Meeting Teachers at their “Point of Need”, Midwestern Education Research Association 2003 Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio October, 2003


Presented session entitled “What Research Tells Us About Teaching American History - Lessons from McRAH: Implementing Effective Strategies in the Secondary Classroom”; 24th Annual History Teachers Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL October, 2003
Presented session entitled “Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions: Developing Performance Based Assessments for Pre-service Teacher Education”; Northeastern Illinois Assessment Consortium College/University Fall Conference, Chicago IL October, 2002


Presented session on “Searching the Web and Evaluating Websites”; Information Literacy Faculty Forum, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin May, 2002


Co-authored presentation entitled “Defining Common Values to Guide Accountability Measures: A Model” w/ D. Abt-Perkins & s. Sherman; Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education 2002 Extended Annual Meeting, New York City, New York February, 2002

Presented session entitled “Dispositions and Values: A Process for Developing Assessments”, w/ D. Abt-Perkins & S. Sherman; Illinois Association of Teacher Educators, 31st Annual Fall Conference, Charleston, IL. November, 2001

Presented session entitled “A Small Liberal Arts College and NCATE Alignment: Illuminating Indicators of Professional Practice”, w/ S. Fox, Midwest Association of Teacher Educators, 13th Annual Spring Conference, Urbana, IL April, 1999

Presented session entitled “Addressing State and National Standards: A Study in Maintaining Program Identity”, w/ S. Fox & S. Sherman; Association of Teacher Educators, 79th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.February, 1999

Presented session entitled “A Small Liberal Arts College Faces the Challenge of NCATE Alignment”, w/ S. Fox & S. Sherman; Illinois Association of Teacher Educators, 29th Annual Fall Conference, Naperville, IL,October, 1998

Participant in symposium entitled “Psychology in the High School” at 95th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York. Topic: Status of Teachers and Teacher Education in High School Psychology. August, 1987

Conducted workshop entitled “Practical Approaches to Teaching High School Psychology” at National Council for Social Studies 62nd Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass. November, 1982

Conducted National Science Foundation sponsored workshop for New York State high school psychology teachers at Dowling College, Oakdale, New York, May,1981

Participant in symposium entitled “Teaching of Psychology: Curricular Directions” at Eastern Psychological Association 52nd Annual Meeting, New York, New York. Topic: Teaching Psychology at the Secondary School Level: Preparation of Textbooks and Materials April, 1981

Presented seminar entitled “Invitation to Psychology: Original Research for Students” at 12th Annual Northeast Regional Conference on the Social Studies. Boston, Mass. March, 1981

Awards and Honors

Official Scorer, edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment)  

William L. Dunn Award for “outstanding teaching and scholarly promise”, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, May 2009

Faculty Career Enhancement (FaCE) Grant by the ACM to support a Collaborative Event entitled “Faculty Assessment of Student Learning Department by Department”, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, October 2008

Faculty Career Enhancement (FaCE) Grant by the ACM to support exploring new avenues of research and enrich sabbatical experiences - Hotchkiss Leave, Spring 2008

Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania, 1974