
Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Arisa in Thailand

Arisa '26 at Bosang Umbrella Festival Arisa '26 at Bosang Umbrella Festival
April 19, 2024
Arisa Hocharoen '26

Arisa Hocharoen '26, a history and Asian studies double major, is studying abroad in Thailand.

I am currently studying abroad at Chiang Mai University, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. My parents are both from Thailand, so coming here was an incredible opportunity to connect with my roots. Chiang Mai is currently in the hot season, so temperatures get well up into the 100s everyday, which has been a bit difficult as a person used to 40-degree weather at this time of year. Classes here have been exciting to take, as I’ve been able to take many courses pertaining to Thailand and the region of Southeast Asia, including courses on Thai language. My favorite course would have to be Thai Society and Culture. As a double major in both history and Asian Studies, this course has been crucial in expanding my knowledge on the history of the region and the culture as well. Our class has also been able to take field trips to local museums, as well as participate in hands on activities; my favorite activity so far has been a Thai tea workshop, in which we made and tried different variations of Thai tea.

Adjusting to the language was a bit of a challenge for me. Although I grew up speaking Thai at home, I’m nowhere near a native speaker nor can I read and write it. However, I have been taking courses here that have helped with my fluency and taught me how to read and write Thai, which has helped tremendously in my understanding of the language. The Thai buddy system my program implements has also been incredible. Not only are the buddies great to talk to and practice Thai with, but they’ve also been extremely helpful and have made this experience memorable, whether it be through joining us on trips, taking us on hikes, or just meeting up at cafes or restaurants to just hang out and talk.

I’ve also been granted the opportunity to experience all sorts of trips and events while in Chiang Mai, including but not limited to: seeing the Buddha’s relics, the Chiang Mai Flower Festival, and the Songkran Festival. However, my favorite would probably have to be the Bosang Umbrella festival, where we made our own paper umbrellas and represented the USA for Chiang Mai University in the festival’s parade. A close second would have to be Doi Inthanon, which is the highest point in Thailand. There was lot of hiking, but the views were incredible; we also went to a waterfall afterwards to cool off after all that walking.

I’m extremely grateful for the memories and experiences that studying abroad has given me. With this opportunity, I was not only able to improve my fluency and learn about Thai culture, but also created new friendships with other people that will last a lifetime. My experience here in Chiang Mai wouldn’t have been possible without the support from my friends and family. I would also like to thank the donors of the Ingrid H. and George L. Speros scholarship for Study Abroad for helping support this once in a lifetime experience. Khob khun kha!

