
Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Katelyn in Spain

Katelyn visiting Pont De IArcheveche in Paris Katelyn '25 visiting Pont De IArcheveche in Paris
April 21, 2024
Katelyn O'Callaghan '25

Katelyn O'Callaghan '25, a psychology major, is studying abroad in Spain.

During my time abroad in Barcelona, Spain, I experienced new adventures and challenges that have helped me grow as a person. Immersing myself in the vibrant Spanish culture has broadened my perspective and given me a new appreciation for life.

Adjusting to a new culture has presented its own set of challenges, but it's been incredibly rewarding. From navigating the bustling streets of Barcelona to dealing with language barriers, every moment has been a learning opportunity. I've embraced the Spanish way of life with open arms, and it has taught me the value of adaptability and resilience.

The most important lesson I learned abroad was after being pickpocketed. I was very distraught, but a man approached me and told "it’s okay, just dance." And he was absolutely right! Life is challenging, but if you learn to take things as they come, live in the moment, and not take yourself too seriously, it becomes much more manageable and fun!

While studying abroad, I also had the privilege of traveling to Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Rome, and Paris. Through all my travels, I made wonderful memories and learned many lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

My courses abroad were incredible. My classes were interactive and allowed me to see and experience different aspects of Spanish culture. I loved my professors, especially my professor in the Seven Wonders of Spain, Marta, who took us all around Barcelona and never failed to make class interesting.

Overall, my experience studying abroad in Spain has profoundly impacted me. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture and expand my horizons. I look forward to carrying the lessons I've learned back home with me.

Thank you to the Ingrid H. and George L. Speros Scholarship for making this transformative experience possible. Your generosity has truly made a difference in my life, and I am grateful for your support.

La Sagrada Familia: 

La Sagrada Familia