
Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Nathaniel in Australia

Field of Kangaroos Visiting a field of kangaroos
June 17, 2024
Nathaniel Okwu '25

Nathaniel Okwu '25, a double major in politics and business, studied abroad this past spring semester at Griffith University in Australia.

Hello, my name is Nathaniel Okwu, and these are my notes from my time in Gold Coast Australia!

I have been here since the late days of February and since my arrival I knew this trip would change my life. To begin I left the states to experience learning at Griffith University taking political courses. Learning about how the Australian government works I realized that I had taken some liberties in the states for granted. Here there is no bill of rights and freedom of speech is optional which is different, but I realized our rights do make us as Americans a little entitled. That’s not wrong, just we need to realize how thar effects out perspectives.

Next nature here is amazing just as amazing as the people. I went on hikes and beach walks during my time here and it truly felt freeing. The beach time would work great as a stress reliever from school.

I think doing study abroad is great for students who are afraid to branch out of their comfort zone. It wasn’t easy but being here really made me grow as an adult and accept more responsibility. After my luggage was lost for the first week, I was here. I had to make do with two outfits and it was rough, but I grew because of it.

To finish I would like to leave this note with my favorite memory of being abroad. It was the friends I made and the people who I’ll terrible miss while being back home in America. After this trip the Gold Coast really does feel like a second home to me now.

None of this could be possible without the support of 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 and my scholarship donors who funded my adventure. A special thank you to the Suzanne T. Hotchkiss Foreign Travel grant and the Smith Scholarship Fund. 

Nathaniel out on a walk with his roommate:

Nature walk