

Major and Minor in Asian Studies

The Major in Asian Studies requires at least nine credits, while the Minor in Asian Studies requires at least six credits.

Requirements for the Major:

  • 8 Asian Studies courses, at least one of which is at the 300 level or above, including:
    • At least 1 course in Asian History (ASIA 200, 201, 283, 286, 307, 309, 319)
    • At least 1 course in Asian Philosophy (PHIL 114, 305)
    • At least 1 course in Asian Religion (ASIA 160, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 224, 226)
    • At least 2 Asian language courses – Introductory Chinese or Japanese or other relevant Asian language taught abroad or on campus (Chinese: ASIA 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 210, 212, 312; Japanese: ASIA 111, 113, 211, 219)
  • Senior Requirement, which students may satisfy by choosing one of the following: 
    • Asian Studies 493, one-semester research project
    • Asian Studies 494, 1-2 credit senior thesis
    • An Upper level course approved by the Chair of Asian Studies

Off-campus study in Asia is strongly encouraged but not required.

Courses offering significant Asia content, though not cross-listed as Asian Studies, may be approved by the chair to fulfill course requirements.

Students who plan to pursue Asian Studies at the graduate level are advised to study language through the intermediate level and above.

Optional Language Concentration in Chinese or Japanese

Upon student request, and successful completion (grade of C or higher) of five courses in ONE of the target languages (Chinese OR Japanese), including no more than 2 courses at the 100 level, and including at least one course at the 300 level (or higher), Asian Studies majors or minors may be granted a transcript designation of “Asian Studies: Chinese Language Concentration” OR “Asian Studies: Japanese Language Concentration.” 

Requirements for the Minor:

  • 6 Asian Studies courses, including at least 1 course or independent project at the 300-level or above.

Minors can opt for the language concentration in Chinese or Japanese; see “Optional language concentration” above.