

Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

To graduate with a major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), a grade of C- or better is required for all courses counted toward the major. In addition, students must earn a C average (GPA 2.0) across all courses counted towards the major.

Although strongly discouraged, a course grade of “Pass” will be allowed for a maximum of one 100-level course counted towards the major.  The original grade earned must be a C- or better.

Fundamental Courses

CHEM 115 and 116: Introductory Chemistry I and II

BIOL 120: Organismal Biology

BIOL 221: Molecules, Genes, and Cells

CHEM 220 and 221: Organic Chemistry I and II

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) Core Courses 

BMB 300: Biochemistry

BMB 322: Molecular Biology

Physical Chemistry

CHEM 320: Physical Chem I OR CHEM 321: Physical Chem II

Two Elective Courses

Complete either two courses from List A, or one from List A and one from List B.

List A

BIOL 209: Human Physiology

BIOL 210: Microbiology

BIOL 323: Microbiology

BIOL 324: Advanced Cell Biology

BIOL 325: Frontiers in Cell Biology and Disease

BIOL 326: Immunology

BIOL 340: Animal Physiology

BIOL 342: Developmental Biology

BIOL 346: Neuroscience: Neuron to Brain

BIOL 351: Personal Genetics

BIOL 352: From Genotype to Phenotype

BIOL 362: Mechanisms of Brain Dysfunction

BIOL 365: The Neuroscience of Sleep

BIOL 372: Pharmacology: Drug, Brain, Behavior

BIOL 389: Evolution

NEUR 387: Experimental Investigations in Neurodegeneration

List B

CHEM 320 or 321: Physical Chemistry I or II (not taken as part of chemistry courses above)

CHEM 340: Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 410: Instrumental Analysis

CHEM 430: Advanced Organic

At least two of the five 300-level courses must be taken at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

Four Courses Taken Outside Chemistry and Biology

PHYS 110 and 111: Introductory Physics OR PHYS 120 and 121: General Physics

MATH 110 and 111: Calculus I and II

One Capstone

BMB 493: Research Project, BMB 494: Senior Thesis, OR BMB 4xx: Senior Seminar

A double major in Chemistry and BMB or a minor in Chemistry and major in BMB is not possible. A double major in Biology and BMB, although possible, would be prohibited. There is no minor in BMB.