
Faculty-Student Research

Faculty-Student Research

  • Ben Labaschin ’16

Worked with Professor Sandberg on the “Visitor Use of the Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve.” He surveyed over 500 visitors to the preserve, helping the preserve to offer facilities that best protect ecological values while providing benefits to visitors.

  • Linh Tran ’16

Worked with Professor Dlabay on “Investments with the Most Impact on Poverty: Suggested Actions for Bright Hope International” ( ), which was funded by the Groner Foundation.

  • Khayrulla Azamov ’15, J. Elliot Barber ‘15, and Ben Labaschin ’16

Worked with Professor Sundberg on “Birding Economics: Activity and Preferences of Resident and Nonresident Birders in Lake County Forest Preserves.” Their research led to the creation of Lake County’s first birding festival, jointly held at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 and the Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve.

  • Evan Piermont ’11

Worked with Professor Felkey in writing “They don’t have to be Giffen Goods: Behavioral Reasons Why Demand can Slope Upward.”

  • Mariaya Nikolova ’07

Worked with Professor Baade in writing “A Tale of Two Stadiums: Comparing the Economic Impact of Chicago’s Wrigley Field and U.S. Cellular Field,” which later appeared in Geographische Rundschau International Edition, volume 3, issue 1, 2007.

  • Claus Hoerandner ’06

Worked with Professor Lemke in writing “ ,” which later appeared in  Contemporary Economic Policy, volume 24, issue 1, 2006.

Richter Projects

  • Irene Luwabelwa ’25

Worked with Professor Batz-Barbarich during the summer of 2022 on ““Is the Expectation to “Man Up?”: The Impact of Gender and Gendered Language on Female Applicant Success.”

  •   Lilit Meloyan ’25

Worked with Professor Batz-Barbarich during the summer of 2022 on “Is the Expectation to “Man Up?”: The Impact of Gender and Gendered Language on Female Applicant Success.”

  •   Farhan Ahmed ’24

Worked with Professor Batz-Barbarich during the summer of 2021 on “Do Words Matter? The impact of communal and agentic language on women’s application to job opportunities.”

  •   Hajar Habbal ’20 and Kgotla Mmopi ‘20

Worked with Professor Lemke during the summer of 2017 on using the National Longitudinal of Youth, 1979 to investigate the relationship between alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and drug use as a teenager and one’s educational attainment and income later in life.

  • Alex Rhodes ’18

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2016 on “Informal Financial Services in China.”

  • Cassandra Lira ’18 

Worked with Professor Dlabay on “Women’s Empowerment and Value Chains: The Role of Informal Financial Services” during the summer of 2016.

  • Sabelo Zwane ’18

Worked with Professor Dlabay on “The Economic, Seasonal, and Household Life Cycles of Informal Financial Services” during the summer of 2016.

  • Samuel Valcin ’16

Wrote “An Analysis of Pet Food Label Usage” during the summer of 2013 under the guidance of Professor Lemke. The paper, published with co-authors William Burkholder, Charlotte Conway, and Amy Lando, is published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 49(3), 2015, pp. 627-638.

  • Ariana Rincon Dacal ’14

Worked on “Expanding Access of Financial Services through Formal and Informal Linkages” with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2011.

  • Qi Chen ’14

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2011 on “Loan or Grant? Microfinance Activities: A Market Approach to Sustainable Community Development.”

  • Nick Kliminski ’14

Worked on “Global Cereal Packaging, Supply Chians, and Branding in Informal and Formal Settings” with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2011.

  • Elise Beckman ’13, Becky Esrock ’13 and Wenqiang Cai ’13

Wrote “Explaining Game-to-Game Ticket Sales for Major League Baseball Games Over Time” during the summer of 2010 under the guidance of Professor Lemke. The paper is published in the , Vol. 13(5), 2012, pp. 536-553.

  • Kaitlyn Martin ’13 and Farzeen Tariq ’13

Jointly studied “Portfolios of the Poor: Macro and Micro Empowerment of Women” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2010.

  • Caitlin Smith ’12

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2012 on “Managed Capitalism: Formal and Informal Funding Sources in China.”

  • Matthew Leonard ’11 and Kelebogile Tlhokwane ’11

Worked with Professor Lemke during the summer of 2008. Their paper, “ ,” was later published in  Journal of Sports Economics, volume 11, issue 2, 2010.

  • Kathryn Duncan ’11

Conducted research on “Having Children. Does it Matter Who Wears the Pants in the Family?” with Professor Felkey during the summer of 2008.

  • Anum Haider ’10

Under the guidance of Professor Felkey carried out research on “Variation in Pill Use: Do Abortion Laws Matter?” during the summer of 2008.

  • Deepika Ramachandran ’11

Worked on “RoSCAs: Rotating Savings and Credit Associations in India” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2008.

  • Abby Carney ’10

Studied “Microfinance and Economic Development: A Comparison of Domestic and International Organizations” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2007.

  • Christine Dobies ’10

Studied “Microenterprise Activity in Africa: Implications for Economic Development” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2007.

  • Christopher Janjigian ’10

Worked with Professor Dlabay on “The Monetary Failure of Zimbabwe” during the summer of 2007.

  • Julie Maskulka ’10

Worked on “The Informal Economy: What, How, and Why?” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2007.

  • Asa Reynolds ’09

Researched “Dollarization in Latin America and Europe” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2006.

  • Deepti Sharma ’09

Worked with Professor Dlabay on “The Informal Economy: Characteristics, Causes, and Consequences” during the summer of 2006.

  • Greg Reger ’08

Researched “A Comparison of Formal and Informal Settings/Markets for Currency Exchange” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2005.

  • Laney Shaler ’08

Studies “Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: A Regional Comparison” under the guidance of Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2005

  • Maria Siezar ’08

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2005 researching “Exploring Global Chicago: Ethnic Neighborhoods and Their Place in International Studies and Business.”

  • Ted Barzev ’07, Linna Filipova, and Veska Suleva ’ 07

Wrote “ ” ERN Educator Working Paper Series; SSRN Abstract 654241 under the direction of Professor Lemke for their summer 2004 Richter project.

  • Colin Danley ’ 07 and Henry Schenker ’07

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2004 researching “Dollarization Around the World: A Comparison of Formal and Informal Economic Settings.”

  • Claus Hoerandner ’06 and Robert McMahon ’06

Worked with Professor Lemke during the summer of 2003. Their paper, “ ,” was later published in Education Economics, volume 14, issue 2, 2006.

  • Becky Martin ’06

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2003 on “Researching the Informal Economy: A Comparison of Cultural and Economic Traditions.”

  • John Karner ’05, Kathie Khomyachenko ’05, Allison Klein ’05, and Emily Woods ’05

Worked with Professor Dlabay during the summer of 2002 researching “Informal Economic Settings in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.”