

Major and Minor in Music

Requirements for the Major in Music:

At least 11 credits

  • Music 251: Music Theory I
  • Music 252: Music Theory II: Tonal Analysis
  • Music 351: Music Theory III: Atonal Systems and Theory of Jazz, Rock and World Music
  • Music 352: Form and Tonal Analysis
  • Music 360: History of Western Art Music I
  • Music 361: History of Western Art Music II
  • 1 music culture course chosen from the following:
    • Music 217: World Music Survey
    • Music 227: History of Jazz
    • Music 237: Hip-Hop Music Producers: American Music in Black, White, and Gray
    • Music 302: Chanson & Société
    • Music 303: Paisajes sonoros de América Latina: Música, política y poder
  • 1 additional music course (see advisor for options).
  • Senior Seminar
  • 2 credits (2 years) of private lessons for credit on the same instrument (or voice) – To meet this requirement, students will complete four semesters chosen from:
    • MUSA 200-level, 300-level, 400-level (201-227; 301-327; 401-427). All semesters of lessons must be taken at the 200-level or higher.
    • Students typically will take 2 semesters at each level before progressing (2 semesters at 200-level, etc.)
  • Participation in at least 1 ensemble from the time a student declares the major through the rest of the student’s time at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 – Ensembles earn one quarter-credit each semester (although these may be taken for no credit as well).

A minimum grade of C is required in all music courses.  Courses taken Pass-NoPass may not count towards the major or minor in Music.

Piano Proficiency Requirement

Students majoring in music are also required  to pass a piano proficiency exam by the end of their junior year. The department encourages anyone considering a music major to take this exam as early as possible because students who do not pass the exam must take two semesters of piano lessons. These lessons may count as the course credit in music performance (a credit that is required of all majors), as the elective course for the major, or as an additional course beyond the requirements for the major.

Requirements for the Minor:

At least 6 credits

  • 2 sequential courses in Music Theory, either:
    • Music 150 and Music 251
    • Music 251 and Music 252
  • 1 of the following courses:
    • Music 360: History of Western Art Music I
    • Music 361: History of Western Art Music II
  • 1 of the following courses:
    • Music 217: World Music Survey
    • Music 218: Music of Brazil: From Samba to Pop
    • Music 227: History of Jazz
    • Music 237: Hip-Hop Music Producers: American Music in Black, White, and Gray
    • Music 262: Great Composers
    • Music 264: The History of Rock and Roll
    • Music 265: American Music
    • Music 266: Music in Film
    • Music 280: Wagner, Tolkien, Star Wars
  • 1 full credit (1 year) in music performance chosen from:
    • MUSA 200-level, 300-level, 400-level (201-227; 301-327; 401-427), 204, 205, 206, or 306
  • 1 additional Music course, excluding Music 101 and any First-Year Studies course

Music and…

A major in music can be paired with most other programs on campus. Here are some frequent pairings:

  • Music & Psychology
  • Music & English
  • Music & Education
  • Music & Computer Science
  • Music & Soc/Anthro
  • Music & Business