

Kyra Vidas '18

Class Year


Area(s) of Study

Majors: Business and Communication Minor: Classical Studies


Chicago, IL


Senior 25, Varsity Handball Team (Four-Year Member and Captain in 2018), Club Rugby Team (Four-Year Member), Student Worker for Athletic Office and Intramurals, Athletic Department Photographer, Sports Marketing Team Leader, Women in Business President (junior and senior year), Athletic Council Vice President (junior year), Student Programming Board Member, Hellenic Club, Young Alumni Challenge Senior-Class Representative, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Member, Stentor Newspaper Staff Sports Writer, Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity Member, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes Member.

Current Job

Digital Communications Strategist at DBSI+CFM

Building confidence to become a stronger leader

How did your time at Lake Forest help shape you as the individual you are today?

My time at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 helped shape me as an individual I am today because I was able to build my leadership skills and also gain a lot of confidence. I was so motivated to get involved when I was on campus, whether it was joining a club organization or just attending every student event at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 had to offer. Even just taking advantage of the resources, connecting with alums, using the Career Advancement Center, and utilizing that one-on-one time with your professors. Everybody at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 wants you to succeed, and it's really easy to see that. It's super exciting to go to school where you're motivated to do so much within just four years of college.

Why Lake Forest?

I chose 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 because of all it had to offer. I could be a student and an athlete. I could join as many clubs and organizations that I wanted to, and if there wasn't one for me to join or one that I didn't want to join, I could start my own, which is a pretty cool, unique thing. I attended every event, concert, activity, student program, whatever it might be. 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 had a lot to offer to their students. My professors know me by my first name. They have always been there to support me since day one and still do as I keep in touch with many of them. I really got to know my classmates because of the smaller class sizes. I wasn't just a number and everyone at the College wants you to succeed. The Career Advancement Center has been there to help me since day one, whether it was resume building all the way through mock interviews. They are willing to help you and guide you along your career pathways. The alumni support is out of this world, no matter what year you graduated; everybody knows that you're going to be a Forester forever. It’s easy to take pride in something that really means so much.

What is one of the best lessons you learned at Lake Forest?

One of the best lessons I have learned, and I still continue to carry with me today, is never forget where you came from. I think it's so important to live by those words, especially as you move forward with your life even from a little kid all the way through college. There have been so many people who have been there to support me every step of the way, and I'm so appreciative and grateful for everybody who's been there for me. I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without my family, my friends, my professors, my advisors, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 staff, and so many others who've been there to support me. You know, even now, as I've lived in three different places within three years, I still think about everybody who's helped me get to where I am, and I always will. I'm a proud alum, and I'll always give back, especially to 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, because they gave me so much. No matter how far I may be from 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, living in Phenix, Arizona, now, the College will always be close to my heart, and I'll be a proud Forester forever.

What’s one thing you are proud of professionally?

One thing I am most proud of professionally would have to be all the chances I have taken with moving around the country for my career and my life within the last few years. I was born and raised in Chicago, so my family's always been close, and then when I went to 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, I was just 30 minutes from home. My parents were able to come up and visit anytime they wanted. I was able to go home whenever I wanted as well. I really never left home and so when I got a job offer after I graduated to move to Atlanta to work for the professional sports team, I really was in a tough position. It definitely wasn't easy leaving home, but the opportunity was just too good to pass up down in Atlanta. The move really made me grow a lot and become independent. I'm so proud of my first big move. I just recently moved to Phoenix, Arizona a couple of months ago, and I started a new opportunity out here. My parents have been fortunate enough to live around the world and see a lot of different things. They always told me it's about your quality of life and to really enjoy it while you have the time. I really am taking advantage of that and trying new things and new experiences. I'm just happy to be where I am today and appreciate everything and everybody that's been in my path so far. I’m looking forward to the rest of my career.

At what moment at Lake Forest did you realize or were reassured that you were meant to follow your current career path?

Going into 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, I knew I wanted to be a double major in Business and Communication. Having an interest in marketing and sales since I was a kid really helped shape what my future would look like. I thought having both the business and communication major would be a good duo; especially at a liberal art college where programs are comprehensive and building a foundation of knowledge is easy. This breadth of knowledge also allows flexibility for my future, if I choose a different career path. 

However, going to 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 helped me build confidence and become a leader because I was so involved on campus. I planned events for different clubs and organizations, spoke in front of large crowds, organized student activities, and tried to be at every other student program that I could to support my classmates. I love talking and I love to network. You really don’t know where people will end up in life, and I think it’s important to take advantage of every networking opportunity whether it’s with classmates or other professionals to help you through your career pathway. Hearing other people's stories really gave me insight into what I wanted to do with my future.