

Kamden Kuklinski '23

Class Year


Area(s) of Study

Major in neuroscience with a minor in chemistry

Transferred From

College of Lake County

Experiential Learning

Lab research assistant for Dr. Delventhal

Transferred from CLC, lab research assistant

What did you most look forward to about transferring to 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 before you got here?

The thing I really liked is like the small class sizes and also the neuroscience program; that was something that was a big draw for me as well.

How has your life changed since transferring to 新澳门六合彩开奖结果?

I found so many opportunities to explore different pathways for my life. I feel like you fall less into a bucket at Lake Forest. You definitely feel like you have a lot more freedom to explore your career options. When I came here, I was really aiming at studying medicine long-term, but now I'm definitely considering more research and grad-school-oriented paths. I did lab research this summer and I was obsessed with it. I think if you find something you're obsessed with, you should tackle it full force.

What surprised you most about 新澳门六合彩开奖结果?

How friendly everybody was. People were like way friendlier than I was used to. You hear the "Minnesota nice" thing. We have kind of a "Lake Forest nice" thing going on.

What internship or experiential learning opportunities have you had while at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果?

Over the summer, I was a research assistant for Dr. Becky Delventhal, who does brain research on fruit flies. I was planning experiments and meeting with people in my lab to discuss results. I've never been happier with a job, so I think I'm going to chase it full speed.

What advice would you have for transfer students considering 新澳门六合彩开奖结果?

Be open. I think I think I've become less focused on what I thought I wanted to do because I have more opportunities to explore what I actually might want to do. I let go of preconceived notions. If you told me four years ago that I was going to be concussing fruit flies and then studying the proteins in their brains, I would have thought that you were messing with me a little bit, but things have worked out great.