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However, your job is to figure out how to use Hacker throughout brainstorming, thesis-development, drafting, and revising, and to teach your clients how to use it to their best advantage. Exercise 2: Consider how the different sections support writing processes. What stage of the writing process is each most suited for? What advice does Hacker give in each section to help with writing processes? Clarity: Type here Grammar: Type here Punctuation: Type here Mechanics: Type here Research: Type here MLA, APA, Chicago: Type here How to Use Hacker During an Appointment: Weve all been there. Its the last five minutes of an appointment, youre rushing to cover more important global revision issues, and you notice an awful absence: there is no comma between two independent clauses separated by a coordinating conjunction. Inside your brain, the bellowing banshee of grammar, well, bellows. Before you know it, youre writing down P. 58 on the corner of your clients draft and hoping against hope theyll breeze through the rules (which, as we know, almost never happens). As tutors, we need to make sure that clients know how to use Hacker and encourage them to develop habits that will keep them coming back to the manual even after the session is over. Hoping against hope is no longer enough. Try to use Hacker during the session. Discover the different sections in the manual with your client and work through at least one example to make sure the content has reached a few cells in your clients organism. Have them practicing on the spot. Tailor Hacker to your clients specific needs. Harmonize the sections with what youre trying to teach. In other words, if youre in a brainstorming session, dont spend ten minutes talking about the Mechanics section and how it can help them with quoting. Talk about the manual when your client has a question. Do this at least once per session. It should go something like this: Your client: You know, Im struggling to form a thesis You: Well, theres this brilliant woman by the name of Diana Hacker oh, you have the manual? Did you know theres a research section and MLA, APA, Chicago sections that give you tips on how to pose research questions and form theses? Your client: No! (in awe and disbelief) You: Yes! (in confident affirmation) Shall we have a look? Dandy. If you feel like there is no option other than to quickly reference a page, try to make the client write it down. Also, write the section title or a quick memo on why to go to the page in the first place. P. 58 might seem concise and to-the-point, but after a session your client might be as able to decipher it as they would ancient Sumerian war codes. Undiscovered Treasures of Hacker: Style: Flip-flops in midwinter? I dont think so Sometimes, a clients writing may be perfectly correct, but boring or inappropriate. Your job is to teach them how to make their writing interesting and academic. Luckily, Hacker is a step ahead. In the Clarity section, guide your clients towards a new stylistic mantra: tighten wordy sentences, prefer active verbs, provide some variety, and find an appropriate voice. These sections will help your client get in the mood of academia and figure out the kinds of language and structures that are appropriate for a college paper. Does the period go inside or outside? Formatting quotations is no picnic, so lead your clients to the Mechanics section for a quick summary of punctuation with quotation marks and bracket use within quotations. It will save you time correcting small issues in the paper. The Rosetta stone of paper-writing: Research + MLA/APA/Chicago We all know that clients struggle when getting started with research and thesis formation. This is why we brainstorm. But, how can we make a brainstorming session even more focused? Using Hacker, of course. The Research section and the relevant citation styles sections can be used step by step to develop a research question and format an appropriate thesis statement. It even has a few tips on how to conduct research. The beauty of this? Your client will be realize that Hacker can guide them through the rough, initial stages of the writing process as well. Exercise 3: Review the glossaries, charts, and lists (everything after page 258). Develop a tutoring scenario when one of these sections or some of specific material from this part of Hacker would be useful. Type here: Using Hacker Effectively and Efficiently: There is nothing more awkward than flipping through Hacker in front of a client, knowing the answer to the clients question is somewhere within but not exactly sure where Exercise 4: Describe a situation where you would prefer to use the index rather the table of contents while in a tutoring appointment. Type here: Exercise 5: The best thing to do is to develop your own cheat sheet of material to be referenced quickly during a session. Develop your own rendition to fit your needs as a tutor and as a writer. Begin by doing an accounting of areas where you may need to reference Hacker to support your own understanding. For example, you may be versed in using MLA but not so much in APA. You should then include APA citations in your cheat sheet. The sheet should be short (to be referenced quickly), no more than a page, in some sort of chart form. Consider headings that have to do with common writing problems or areas of weakness for you and for your clients. Always include page numbers and examples. 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