
Title IX Coordinator and Team

Role of the Title IX Coordinator

The College has a designated Title IX Coordinator trained in the College’s policies and procedures, state, and federal law and other requirements related to sex discrimination, gender equity and gender violence, including seuxal orientation, gender identity and sexual misconduct  The Title IX Coordinator is an adminstrative role responsible for the management of  the College’s compliance with Title IX.  Specifically, the Title IX Coordinator:

  • Gender-based equality and sexual orientation anti-discrmination, including ensuring rights, access, and equitable processes and manage violations of any of those rights.
  • Oversees the investigation and/or resolution of all complaints of prohibited sex discrimination and sexual misconduct under the College’s Policy on Sex and Gender Discrimination and  Sexual Misconduct;
  • Advises complainants (individuals alleging misconduct or grievances), respondents (individuals accused of alleged misconduct) and/or third parties regarding support resources and options available through the College or off-campus, including options for resolving complaints of sexual discrimination and misconduct;
  • Provides traning and assistance to faculty and staff regarding how to appropriately respond to a report of prohibited misconduct under this policy;
  • Develops and updates College policies, procedures, websites, and resources addressing sex discrimination and  sexual misconduct;
  • Assesses campus climate, tracks and monitors gender discrimination ane sexual misconduct allegations on campus, and reports findings to College officials and/or the campus community, where appropriate;
  • Ensure campus sex and gender equity rights are elevated and upheld;
  • Prepares federal and state required compliance reports; and
  • Oversees training, education, and prevention efforts for the campus community, including training in implementing this policy and the corresponding complaint resolution procedures.

Role of the Title IX Deputy Coordinator

  • The Deputy Title IX coordinator role is currently vacant, but  deputy  is an internal staff or faculty member  trained to learn the deputy Title IX role to assist the Office of Title IX.
  • Assist with intake after a report is assigned.
  • Assist with coordinaton efforts across campus: supportive measures, interim remedies, connecting with external resources
  • Assist with administrative areas of the hearing board (meetings, tracking training, etc.)
  • Case management
  • Awareness and education
  • Other compliance and other related areas
  • The Title IX Deputy role was appointed late fall 2022. It  is anticpated that the deputy will be active for some areas of the role in fall 2024. Watch for campus communication about the deputy role moving forward.

Role of Other Title IX Professionals

  • Assist with campus Title IX procedures (hearing board members, appeal officer).
  • Assist with and apply campus policy in thei role.
  • Support and decision of a violation of prohibited conduct within the  Title IX hearing process.
  • Aid with the appeal process.
  • Other coordinated efforts.