
Course Descriptions

Note About Non-Major Courses

Chemistry courses numbered below 110 are intended for students majoring in humanities or social sciences. These courses will fulfill the General Education requirements. Chemistry 114 and 115 are also suitable toward fulfillment of FFC requirements. Students with credit in chemistry courses numbered 115 or higher (or the equivalent in transfer credit from another college or university) may not receive credit in courses numbered 100 through 109.

Chemistry Courses

CHEM 102: Chemistry and the Environment

Explore chemical phenomena in the world around you. Learn about the chemical cycles present throughout nature. Understand the chemistry behind current environmental issues such as air pollution, ozone depletion, global warming, acid rain, and energy sources (fossil fuels, nuclear, renewable). The relevant scientific background will be developed as needed to explain these particular topics. Lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. Not applicable toward the major or minor.

CHEM 103: Our Chemical World

This course is a descriptive examination of modern chemistry that will emphasize aspects important for students in the humanities and social sciences. Among the topics to be examined: the impact of science and technology on society; chemical change; nuclear chemistry; consumer chemistry; acids and bases; and plastics and polymers. Demonstrations and some experiments with group participation. Not applicable toward the major or minor.

CHEM 104: Chem of Health and Reproduction

(Chemistry of Human Health and Reproduction.) This course focuses on biochemical processes related to human health and reproduction. It introduces concepts necessary to understand how the structure and function of naturally occurring small molecules and pharmaceuticals modulate biological processes - with an emphasis on human health and reproduction. Topics include introduction to organic chemical structures, chemical reactivity, structure and function of proteins, hormones, birth control, fertility treatments, and hormone replacement therapy. Additional topics may include anti-depressants, painkillers, and antibiotics. No prerequisites. (This course satisfies Natural Science.)
cross listed: GSWS 104

CHEM 105: The Chemistry of Art

This course will explore fundamental principles of chemistry and the scientific method through the lens of art. The course will introduce concepts necessary for an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum; the chemical and physical principles that help to explain color; the chemical composition and interactions of atoms and molecules as they apply to pigments, dyes, binders, glazes, paper, fabrics, and metals; as well as the chemical changes active in processes like fresco painting, etching and photography. Building on a fundamental understanding of chemical and physical principles at work in the materials used to create art, the course will culminate with an exploration of case studies in the use of technology for art conservation and/or the detection of forgeries. The course format will include lecture, some short laboratory exercises, and a field trip. No prerequisites. (This course satisfies Natural Science.)

CHEM 107: Developing World Thirst for Energy

This course will introduce the concepts behind the ever-increasing global demand for energy. Through laboratory experiments, field trips, and discussions of current events, students will develop an understanding of the many issues related to meeting the world's energy needs. In particular, the dramatic economic growth in China and India raise additional issues about sustainable energy generation in the face of global imbalances in the carbon cycle.
cross listed: ASIA 107

CHEM 108: Environmental Chemistry

A working knowledge of most environmental issues facing us in the twenty-first century requires an understanding of some key geochemical principles. This course introduces chemistry concepts and skills as they arise in the context of current environmental issues, including chemical cycles in nature, air pollution, ozone depletion, global warming, acid rain, energy sources, water quality, and solid waste. Students will be asked to collect and interpret their own data, as well as to use simple models to explain environmental issues from a scientific perspective. (This course satisfies Natural Science.)
cross listed: ES 108

CHEM 114: Foundations of Chemistry

Foundations of Chemistry is designed to develop fundamental study skills along with a quantitative and conceptual understanding of chemistry. This course will emphasize stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, and solution chemistry principles. There is no laboratory component for this course and it does not count toward the chemistry major or minor. However, the course can serve as an entrance to the major or minor. The course is intended to be a skills-building and preparatory course for subsequent enrollment into Chemistry 115. Prerequisite: Completion of a science placement test to assess quantitative skills and, for non-first year students, permission of instructor. (This course satisfies Quantitative Reasoning.)

CHEM 115: Chemistry I

An introduction to and study of the fundamental concepts and principles of chemistry. Atomic and molecular structure, periodic relationships, chemical bonding, stoichiometry. Properties and theories of gases, liquids, and solids. Laboratory introduces quantitative measurements and computer applications. This course will meet admissions requirements for medical, dental, or pharmacy school. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Students must register for a lab. Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on the departmental placement test to assess quantitative skills or a passing grade in Chemistry 114. Please see Chemistry Department requirements page for details. (This course satisfies Natural Science.)

CHEM 116: Chemistry II

Thermodynamics and kinetics; chemical equilibria; acids, bases, and buffers; coordination compounds; descriptive chemistry of metals and nonmetals. Laboratory is both quantitative and descriptive and uses much instrumentation. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 115. (This course satisfies Natural Science.)

CHEM 220: Org Chemistry I

Organic chemistry is the study of the structure and reactivity of carbon-containing compounds. In this course we discuss the physical properties, and chemical transformations of organic compounds, placing a special emphasis on the development of a systematic rational to account for these properties and reactions. The lecture for this course focuses on organic functional groups, nomenclature, resonance, inductive and steric effects, stereochemistry, substitution, elimination, and addition reactions. Laboratory focuses on microscale synthetic techniques, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and gas chromatography. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 116 or permission of the instructor. Students must also register for a lab.

CHEM 221: Org Chemistry II

This course expands on the systematic understanding of organic compounds and reactions developed in CHEM 220. The lecture focuses on ethers, aromaticity, pericyclic reactions, carbonyl chemistry, polymers, and organometallic reactions. Laboratory focuses on microscale organic synthesis, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: C- or better in CHEM 220 or permission of the instructor. Students must also register for a lab.

CHEM 300: Biochemistry

Introduction to biochemistry at the cellular and chemical levels. Emphasis on protein structure and function, enzymes, bioenergetics, intermediary metabolism, carbohydrates, and other biological molecules. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 120 and a C- or better in CHEM 221. Transferred CHEM221 will require a placement exam or permission of the instructor. Students must also register for a lab.
cross listed: BMB 300

CHEM 320: Physical Chemistry I

Quantum mechanics and the nature of the chemical bond. Emphasis on understanding atomic orbitals, atomic and molecular energy, and the chemical bond. Applications of molecular quantum mechanics; spectroscopy and computational chemistry. Laboratory focuses on experiments that led to the development of quantum mechanics, molecular modeling, and spectroscopy. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 221, MATH 111 or MATH 116; prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS 110 or PHYS 120. Students must also register for a lab. (This course satisfies Technology Intensive.)
cross listed: BMB 320

CHEM 321: Physical Chemistry II

The course explores the energy, dynamic behavior, and properties of large groups of molecules. Content includes the behavior of non-ideal gases, the kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and reaction-rate theory. The laboratory focuses on kinetics and thermodynamics with a culminating independent project-based experience. Prerequisite: CHEM 221 and MATH 111 or MATH 116. Prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS 111 or PHYS 121. (This course satisfies Experiential Learning and Technology Intensive.)
cross listed: BMB 321

CHEM 340: Inorganic Chemistry

Relationship among structure, properties, and chemical reactivity of elements from the entire periodic table. Molecular bonding theories, molecular symmetry and group theory, solid-state materials, transition-metal complexes, catalysts, and bioinorganic molecules. Laboratory work includes synthesis, spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and inert-atmosphere techniques. Two class meetings and one laboratory per week. Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 321.

CHEM 410: Instrumental Analysis

Theory and techniques of instrumentation used in modern chemical analysis. Optical spectroscopy (UV-Vis, fluorescence, FT-IR, Raman), NMR, mass spectrometry, electroanalytical chemistry, and modern separation techniques (GC, HPLC, and electrophoresis). Laboratory experiments will include most modern instrumental methods and culminate in an independent project. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Satisfies the Senior Studies Requirement. Prerequisite (or corequisite with premission of the instructor): CHEM 320. Students must also register for a lab. (This course satisfies Experiential Learning.)

CHEM 430: Advanced Organic Chemistry

Building on the concepts from Organic Chemistry I and II (CHEM 220 and 221), this course offers an extended treatment of the topics of organic chemistry. Stereochemistry, radical chemistry, pericyclic reactions and named reactions used in modern organic synthesis will be emphasized. Course notes will be supplemented by readings from the primary literature. Prerequisite: CHEM 221. (This course satisfies Speaking Intensive.)

CHEM 493: Research Project

Independent research guided by a faculty advisor. Research areas include organic synthesis; organometallic catalysis; enzyme inhibition; X-ray crystallography; computational chemistry; molecular modeling; solid state chemistry; and spectroscopic studies of air pollution. (This course satisfies Experiential Learning.)

CHEM 494: Senior Thesis

An extensive, in-depth, independent research project with faculty guidance. Includes a formal written dissertation and oral presentation. Satisfies the Senior Studies Requirement.