

The HPP has three main Cores: 

1) Science/Quantitative: four courses in the natural and social sciences , math, and computer science

2) SHIP:  A total of two interdisciplinary courses in the humanities and/or humanistic social sciences:

a) Cultural and Social Determinants of Health, and 

b) Artistic and Intellectual Responses to Health and Disease

3) Experiential: two required components,

a) two seminar series at RFU and 

b)  a “keystone project”

Science/Quantitative Core 
( Science and Health from an Interdisciplinary Perspective)
Experiential Core 
Both of the courses below:  A total of two courses required from groups a & b in any combination from the lists below: (For example: one course from group a and one course from group b or; two courses from group a or; two courses from group b.) Both of the activities listed below: 
MATH 150 Probability and Statistics (Q) OR ECON/BUSN130 (Q) OR PSYC 221 (NS) (T) a. Cultural and Social Determinants of Health: 1. Core seminar series at RFU:
HPPC 180 Introduction to Healthcare Professions Seminar Series (will be offered spring 2023)
BIOL 120 Organismal Biology + Lab (NS)
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I + Lab (NS)
CHIN 270 Chinese Values, Medicine, and Health (HUM, GP)
Plus any two courses from the following list COMM 378 Communicating Science and Medicine 2. One additional seminar series at RFU:

BIOL 220 Ecology and Evolution + lab (NS) (T) ES 382 Political Ecology of Infectious Diseases (SS) HPPC 181 Community, Culture, and Health Outcomes Seminar Series (will be offered spring 2023)
BIOL 221 Molecules, Genes, & Cells + Lab (NS) (M) Hist 282 The Pre-Modern Body (W, GP) b. Keystone Project
BIOL 120 Organismal Biology + Lab (NS)
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I + Lab (NS)
HIST 284 Epidemic Disease in Western History (HUM, GP) Health-related research project or relevant internship/shadowing experience
CHEM 116 General Chemistry II + Lab (NS) PHIL 205 Medical Ethics (HUM)
CSCI 112 Computer Science I (Q) (T) PHIL 296 Philosophy of Mind (HUM)
ECON 110 Introduction to Economics (SS) POLS 271 Criminal Law and Forensic Medicine (SS, DP)
ES 120 Introduction to Environmental Science (NS) SOAN 206 Introduction to Disability Studies (SS, DP)
HPPC 208 Human Anatomy (NS) SPAN 322 Medical Spanish in a Global Context (GP)
HPPC 209 Human Physiology (NS) RELG 239 Religion Biology and Public Health (GP, S)  
HPPC 210 Microbiology (NS) RELG 241 Religion and Science (HUM)
MATH 110 Calculus I (Q) SOAN 245 Medical Anthropology (SS, GP)
MATH 250 Introduction to Statistical Programming (Q) RELG 224 Islam and Science (HUM, GP)
NEUR/PSYC/BIOL 128 Medical Mysteries of the Mind (NS, S) b. Artistic and Intellectual Responses to Health and Disease: 
NEUR/BIOL/PSYC 130 Deadly Shapes, Hostage Brains (NS, S) ENGL 209 Storytelling and STEM (HUM, W)  
PHIL 156 Logic and Styles of Argument (Q) ENGL 221 Literature and Medicine (HUM)
PHYS 110 Introduction to Physics I + Lab (NS) ENGL 222 Plagues in Literature: Now and Then (HUM, GP)   
PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology + ½ lab (NS) ENGL/NEUR 232 Stories from the Spectrum: Neurodiversity, Health, and Medicine in Literature (HUM, W)  
SOAN 110 Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology (SS) ENGL 249 Brains, Minds, and Madness in Literature (HUM)  
MUSC 268 Music and the Mind (HUM)
PHIL 225 Philosophy of Science (HUM)
PHIL 291 Descartes to Kant (HUM, W)

PHIL/NEUR 375 Neuroethics (HUM)  

THTR 254 The Mind Onstage: Performance, Action, Emotion (HUM, W)  

FFC Requirement Codes

  •  Creative and Performing Arts (C/PA)
  •  Humanities (HUM)
  •  Natural Sciences (NS)
  •  Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  •  Social Sciences (SS)
Cultural Diversity
  •  US Domestic Pluralism (DP)
  •  Global Perspectives (GP)
  • Writing-Intensive (W)
  • Speaking-Intensive (S)
  • Technology-Intensive (TI)

GPA requirements

When First-Years students join the program they must achieve an overall GPA of at least 2.5 in each of their first two semesters in the program and semester overall GPAs of at least a 2.75 subsequently. All other students must have a minimum 2.75 GPA to join and to maintain subsequently at the end of each academic year. All HPP courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C- (including quality letter grades, when courses are taken for the Pass/Fail option).

Just for COVID-impacted semesters, including the 2021 J-Term, all HPP courses courses can be taken for the Pass/Fail option, with no GPA requirement to satisfy successful completion for HPP. 
Important note: If you are taking the HPP course for a major or minor, the academic program that administers the major/minor may have different rules regarding the minimum GPA needed to count towards the major/minor. Please consult the program for that information.

For academic advising, contact:

Ann Maine
Chair, Pre-Health Advising
Director, Health Professions Program and Nursing Pathways Program
Assistant Professor in Biology

For professional development and keystone project, contact:

Hilary De Vries
Associate Director, Science and Health Care Pathway

Khadija Manzoor
Science and Health Care Internship and Health Care Specialist