
Choose Antiracism Video Series

How To Be An Antiracist book cover

Inspired by Dr. Ibram Kendi’s work of How To Be An Antiracist, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 is pleased to launch a video series titled "Choose Anti-racism." This series is a digital library of short educational videos created by College faculty and staff that reflects on each of the chapters from Dr. Ibram Kendi’s work. The videos will be released throughout the year and offer insight on how, as a campus community, we can apply the lessons from each chapter to make 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 truly anti-racist. 


Choose Antiracism video campaign

Fall 2020 Semester

9/4:  Introduction: Stephen Schutt, President of the College  

9/11:  Chapter 1 – Definitions: Courtney Joseph, Assistant Professor in History and African American Studies  

9/18:  Chapter 2 – Dueling Consciousness: R.L. Watson, Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies 

9/21:  Chapter 3 – Power: Ben Zeller, Associate Professor of Religion 

9/28:  Chapter 4 – Biology: Anna Trumbore Jones, Associate Dean of the Faculty, Director of the Office of Faculty Development; Professor of History

10/2:  Chapter 5 – Ethnicity: Gizella Meneses, Professor of Spanish, Latin American and Latinx Studies 

10/9:  Chapter 6 – Body: Miriam Heard, Head of Access Services/Circulation  

10/16:  Chapter 7 – Culture: Karina Henderson, Admissions Counselor 

10/23:  Chapter 8 – Behavior: Mary Grigar, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Health and Wellness 

10/30:  Chapter 9 – Color: André Meeks, Assistant Director for the Office of Intercultural Relations 

Spring 2021 Semester

2/12:  Chapter 10 – White: Ed Neumann, Assistant Director of Counseling Services and Community Wellness Coordinator 

2/19:  Chapter 11 – Black: DeJuran Richardson, Ernest H. Volwiler Professor of Mathematics and Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science  

2/26:  Chapter 12 – Class: Todd Beer, Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology  

3/5:  Chapter 13 – Space: Desmond Odugu, Associate Professor of Education and Chair of Education  

3/12:  Chapter 14 – Gender: Andrea Conner, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students 

3/19:  Chapter 15 – Sexuality: Karl Turnlund, Director of Residence Life and Deputy Title IX Coordinator 

3/26:  Chapter 16 – Failure: Susan Long, Associate Professor of Psychology

4/5:  Chapter 17 – Success: Amanda Walker, Athletic Department Program Coordinator 

4/12:  Chapter 18 – Survival: Claudia Ramirez Islas, Director for the Office of Intercultural Relations 

4/26: Conclusion: Courtney Joseph and Claudia Ramirez Islas, Intercultural Advisory Group Co-Chairs 

Chapter 18 - Survival  

Director of Intercultural Relations Claudia Ramirez Islas discusses Chapter 18 of Ibram Kendi's  ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 17 - Success 

Athletic Department Program Coordinator Amanda Walker discusses Chapter 17 of Ibram Kendi's  ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 16 - Failure 

Associate Professor of Psychology Susan Long discusses Chapter 16 of Ibram Kendi's  ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 15 - Sexuality 

Karl Turnlund, Director of Residence Life & Deputy Title IX Coordinator, discusses Chapter 15 of Ibram Kendi's  ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 14 - Gender 

Andrea Conner, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, discusses Chapter 14 of Ibram Kendi's ‘How to be an Antiracist.

Chapter 13 - Space 

Associate Professor of Education Desmond Odugu discusses chapter 13 of Ibram Kendi's ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 12 - Class 

Associate Professor of Sociology Todd Beer discusses Chapter 12 of Ibram Kendi's ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 11 - Black

Ernest H Volwiler Professor of Mathematics and Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science, DeJuran Richardson  discusses Chapter 11 of Ibram Kendi's ‘How to be an Antiracist.'

Chapter 10 - White

Dr. Ed Neumann, Assistant Director for Counseling Services, discusses Chapter 10 of Ibram Kendi's  ‘How to be an Antiracist. '

Chapter 9 - Color

Assistant Director for the Office of Intercultural Relations Andre Meeks shares reflections on chapter nine of Ibram Kendi’s ‘How to be an Antiracist,’ which discusses colorism.

Chapter 8 - Behavior

Assistant Dean of Students Mary Grigar reflects on chapter eight of Ibram Kendi’s ‘How to be an Antiracist’, which discusses racialized behavior.

Chapter 7 - Culture

Admissions Counselor Karina Henderson reflects on chapter seven of Ibram Kendi’s ‘How to be an Antiracist’, which discusses cultural racism.

Chapter 6 - Body

Hear Miriam Heard’s reflections on chapter six of Ibram Kendi’s ‘How to be an Antiracist’ where Kendi goes into detail on meaning of being bodily racist and antiracist. 

Chapter 5 - Ethnicity

Dr. Gizella Meneses reflects on chapter five of Ibram Kendi’s ‘How to be an Antiracist’ which focuses on ethnicity and ethnic racism, defined by Kendi as a powerful collection of racist policies leading to various inequities.

Chapter 4 - Biology

Professor of History Anna Trumbore Jones shares her professorial insight as she reviews the fourth chapter of Ibram Kendi’s book ‘How to be an Antiracist,’ which focuses on the concept of biological racism. 

Chapter 3 - Power

Associate Professor of Religion Ben Zeller provides his religious insight on chapter three of Ibram Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist which traces the invisible lines of cultural power.

Chapter 2 - Dueling Consciousness

Sharing her knowledgeable insight on chapter two, Dueling Consciousness, Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies Dr. R.L. Watson discusses how Kendi provides a remix of W.E.B. Du Bois’ idea of double consciousness and the three threads of antiracist thought.

Chapter 1 - Definitions

Listen as Dr. Courtney Joseph reflects on chapter one, Definitions, of  How to be an Anitracist by Ibram Kendi Joseph discusses how Kendi asks us to think about the importance of having clear, consistent and stable definitions when it comes to race.


President Schutt introduces the year-long common reading of the book How To Be An Antiracist, one of many important initiatives taking place on our campus in support of our mission to embrace diversity and to truly make Lake forest College an anti-racist community.