
Previous Strategic Plan

A five-year plan for 2013-18 was developed over the course of the 2012-13 academic year. 

The Five-Year Planning Committee reviewed the College’s current strengths and challenges, and looked beyond the College to the world of higher education.

We aimed to develop a plan that articulates a shared vision for the College, makes and explains choices among competing priorities, and sets goals to inspire the next major fundraising campaign. 

The committee, comprised of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and trustees, evaluated academic priorities, considered trends in admissions and enrollments, assessed facility and infrastructure needs, and examined the integration of the co-curricular program with the academic program, all while balancing the financial, human resource, and physical constraints of the College.

Committee Charge

Working Groups

View the complete plan

2014 Update

2015 update  

2016 update

2017 update

2018 update