
Modern Languages and Literatures

David S. George

Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Emeritus

Modern Languages and Literatures


Latin American Literature
Brazilian Literature
Brazilian Theater
Latin American and Latinx Studies


Country overviews of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico
The Voyage of Columbus
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Translating Fiction
Brazilian Fiction
Brazilian Women’s Literature
Brazilian Theater
Latin American and Spanish film 


PhD University of Minnesota
MA University of Minnesota
BA University of Minnesota

Courses Taught

Spanish 110-112: Beginning Spanish
Spanish 210-212: Intermediate Spanish
Spanish 300: Introduction to Analysis of Hispanic Texts
Spanish 305: Hispanic Culture
Spanish 310: Creative Writing in Spanish
Spanish 312: Oral Proficiency
Spanish 317: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers
Spanish 319: Continuing Portuguese
Spanish 330: Survey of Peninsular Literature
Spanish 333: Cine e Historia en América Latina
Spanish 334: Cine Español
Spanish 335: Survey of Latin American Literature
Spanish 338 Cine Latinoamericano
Spanish 355: Play Production in Spanish
Spanish 365: Latin American Narrative
Spanish 370: Hispanic Poetry
Spanish 400: Special Studies/Cervantes
Spanish 425: Latin American Culture and Civilization
Spanish 480: Senior Seminar
Latin American Studies 336: Latin American Film
Latin American Studies 380: Literature, Film, and Society in Latin America
Literature in Translation 210: Don Quijote and Imperial Spain
Latin American Studies 302: The Latin American World
Latin American Studies 350: Modern Latin American Narrative in Translation
Latin American Studies 367: Latin America: A Creative Approach
Foreign Civilization 250: The Voyage of Columbus
Foreign Civilization 280: Literature and Economic Change in Latin America
Foreign Civilization 302: Native Peoples of the Americas
Literature in Translation 209: Brazilian Literature in Translation
MLS 550: Latin America: Economies and Cultures
First-Year Studies 102: Hispanic Culture and Language
First-Year Studies 164: Don Quixote’s Big Adventure
French 355: Play Production in French
Associated Colleges of the Midwest Newberry Seminar in the Humanities, co-taught (with Benjamin Goluboff), fall semester 2006 and 2010


Argentine Cinema: From Noir to Neo-Noir. Co-authored with Gizella Meneses. Lexington Books, 2018 

Nelson Rodrigues and the Invention of Brazilian Drama. Latin American Theater Review Press, U of Kansas P, 2010

Flash & Crash Days: Brazilian Theater in the Post-Dictatorship Period. Garland Publications, 2000. Also available as an e-book (Microsoft Reader)

The Modern Brazilian Stage. U of Texas P, 1992.

Grupo Macunaíma: Carnavalização e Mito. Editora da Universidade de São Paulo and Editora Perspectiva, 1990.

Teatro e Antropofagia. Editora Global, 1986.


“O Teatro do Pequeno Gesto: O Último Tango no Rio de Janeiro de Nelson Rodrigues,” in online journal  Arte da Cena, Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil, 2015; first appeared in online journal Bastidores do Teatro in 2014

“Teatro brasileiro: 1990-2002,” in Argentine journal Teatro XXI: vol. 28 , 2010

“Vestido de novia: marcha fúnebre en tiempo ternario,” in Argentine journal Teatro XXI: vol. 27, 2009

“Señora de los ahogados de Nelson Rodrigues y Electra de Eugene O’Neill: paráfrasis y transformación” in the Argentine journal TEATRO XXI, 2007.

Book essay: “Antunes Filho y el Grupo Macunaíma: el rescate de Nelson Rodrigues,” TRANSATLANTIC THEATER: The Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cadiz, Iberoamerican Studies Series, University of Minnesota, 2007.

Conference proceedings: “La adaptación para Broadway de El beso de la mujer araña de Manuel Puig,” Texte et image dans les Mondes Hispaniques et Hispano-Américains. Tours: presses Universitaires F. Rabelais, 2007.

Essay on playwright Nelson Rodrigues, in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 307, Brazilian Writers, Columbia SC: Bruccoli,Clark, Layman, 2004.

“The Stagecraft of Nelson Rodrigues: Vestido de Noiva,” in journal Confluencia, pp 26-34, Spring, 2002.

“Nelson Rodrigues,” in Scribner’s Sons Reference Books series on Latin American writers, Supplement I, pp 479-491, 2002.

“Uma parceria feliz,” Preface to the short story collection No Silêncio das Nuvens, by Edla van Steen, São Paulo: Editora Global, pp 13-24, 2001.

“Brasil hoy: las escenificaciones de Gerald Thomas,” in book Tradición, Modernidad y Posmodernidad, Buenos Aires: GETEA, pp 93-97, 1999.

“Mattogrosso: The Postmodernist Stage in Brazil,” in journal Modern Drama, pp 474-482,1998.

“La Dramaturgia Brasilera de la Pos-Dictadura,” in book La Dramaturgia en Iberoamérica: Teoría y práctica teatral, Buenos Aires: GETEA, pp 83-94, 1998.

“Sábato Magaldi: Interpreter, Chronicler, Arbiter,” in Latin American Theatre Review, pp 163-172, 1998.

“Gerald Thomas’s Postmodernist Theatre: A Wagnerian Antropofagia?” in Luso-Brazilian Review, pp 99-106, 1998.

“My Maravilhosa Career,” in Travellers’ Tales Brazil, San Francisco: O’Reilly & Associates, pp 316-322, 1997.

“A Pós-Modernidade de Gerald Thomas,” in book Um encenador de si mesmo, São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, pp 244-269, 1996.

“Encenador Gerald Thomas’s Flash and Crash Days: Nelson Rodrigues Without Words,” in Latin American Theatre Review, pp 75-88, 1996.

“Antunes Filho: mago do palco brasileiro,” in journal Brasil/Brazil, pp 65-74, 1996.

“Teatro de Arena and Theatre of Oppressed: In and Out of Context,” in Latin American Theatre Review, pp 39-54, 1995.

“Os estudantes americanos e a literatura brasileira,” in Revista da Universidade de São Paulo, pp 128-130, 1994.

“Brazil’s Festival de Teatro de Curitiba II: The Healthy State of the Art,” in Latin American Theatre Review, pp 139-144, 1994.

“Socio-Criticism and Brazilian Literature: Changing Perspectives,” in journal Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, pp 49-56, 1993.

“Crônica de um brasilianista,” in Rio de Janeiro newspaper Jornal do Brasil, part 1, May 24/part 2, May 25, 1993.

“Toda Nudez será castigada,” in book Nelson Rodrigues: Teatro Completo, Sábato Magaldi ed., Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, pp 232-236, 1993.

Essay on Nelson Rodrigues’s Wedding Dress (Vestido de noiva), International Dictionary of the Theatre, Vol. I, Plays, London: St. James Press, 1992.

“A evolução das artes cênicas em São Paulo,” proceedings of Le Théâtre Latino- Américain: Tradition et Innovation, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, pp 157-162, 1991.

“Las escenificaciones míticas de Antunes Filho,” in book Reflexiones Sobre Teatro Latinoamericano del Siglo Veinte, Buenos Aires: Editorial Galerna, 1989.

“Towards a poor theatre in Brazil,” in journal Theatre Research International, Oxford University Press, April 1989.

“Nelson 2 Rodrigues,” in Latin American Theatre Review, Spring 1988.

“Os Comediantes and Bridal Gown,” in Latin American Theatre Review, Fall 1987.

“Oswald’s Cannibalism and Teatro Oficina,” in confernce proceedings, transformations of Literary Language, David Jackson ed., Austin: U. of Texas, 1987.

“Noche de los Asesinos: text, staging, and audience” (with Isabel Alvarez-Borland), in Latin American Theatre Review, Fall 1986.

Creative Works

“A Lady,” translation of “Uma Senhora” by Machado de Assis, in Ex Cathedra: Stories by Machado de Assis, New London Librarium, 2014

INSTANÂNEOS/INSTANTANEOUS – with Edla van Steen - a bilingual edition of “sudden fiction”; São Paulo: Giostri Editora, 2013.

“The Virtuous Wife,” translation of a short story by Julieta de Godoy Ladeira,” in A Traveler’s Literary Companion to Brazil, Whereabouts Press, Alexis Levitin ed, 2010.

“CAROL head LINA heart,” translation of a short story by Edla van Steen, in Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short Story, 2006

Translator, Scent of Love (Cheiro de Amor), novella and stories by Edla van Steen, Latin American Literary Review Press, 2001.

Translator, Early Mourning (Madrugada), a novel by Edla van Steen, Latin American Literary Review Press, 1997.

Translator, “St. Elmo’s Fire”, short story “Galafoice” by Brazilian author Edilberto Coutinho, Antigonish Review, 1997.

Co-author (with Edla van Steen), À Mão Armada, original play, São Paulo: Caliban Editorial, 1996.

Translator, Village of the Ghost Bells (Corações Mordidos), a novel by Edla Van Steen, University of Texas Press, 1991.

Translator, A Bag of Stories, an anthology of short stories by Edla Van Steen, Latin American Literary Review Press, 1991.

Translator, Happy Old Year (Feliz Ano Velho), an autobiography by Marcelo Rubens Paiva, Latin American Literary Review Press, 1991.

“The structure of the soap bubble,” translation of short story “A estrutura da bolha de sabão” by Lygia Fagundes Telles, in Sense of Wood and Silence, stories by Latin American women, Latin American Literary Review Press, 1991.

Invited Talks

“Nelson Rodrigues: Toda Nudez Será Castigada,” address given at the conference Brazil BRASA XIII, Brown University, April 1 2016.

30th International Hispanic Theatre of Miami, Teatro Prometeo, Miami Dade College Keynote address: “Antunes Filho, Nelson Rodrigues y Toda Nudez será castigada,”10 July 2015; on behalf of director Antunes Filho, accepted “2015 Award for Life Devoted to the Theatre Arts,” and gave an address on the honoree’s contributions to Latin American theater, 9 July 2015

“Brazil: Stories of Life on the Road,” Lake Forest Academy, 29 November 2012 

“On the Road: Latin American Road Movies and the Encounter with the Other” (Marcia Adler Annual Memorial Lecture), given at the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis, 21 October 2011 

Presentation on Nelson Rodrigues and the Invention of Brazilian Theater, XXVI International Hispanic Theatre Festival (IHTF) of Miami, in collaboration with Latin American Theatre Review, Current Trends in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts, “A Tribute to George Woodyard,” July 9, 2011

Conducted Mellon Workshop on playwright Nelson Rodrigues, Brown University, 8 November 2010 

Plenary session address, “El último tango de Nelson Rodrigues en Rio,” XVIII Congreso Internacional de Teatro Iberoamericano y Argentino Buenos Aires, 6 August 2009

Talk entitled, “Teatro Oficina, 1970-1972: Living Theater, Counterculture, Gracias Senhor,” Brazilian Studies Association, Tulane University, 27-30 March, 2008; also chaired session entitled “Contraculturas brasileiras”

Keynote speaker, Nelson Rodrigues Festival, sponsored by Southern Mirrors, held at the George Ignatieff Theatre, University of Toronto, 25 April 2007

“Nelson Rodrigues and Eugene O’Neill: Affinities,” given at the Nelson Rodrigues Symposium, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the Graduate Center, CUNY, September 27, 2005

“Nelson Rodrigues y Eugene O’Neill: Intertextualidad,” given at the XIV Congreso Internacional de Teatro Iberoamericano y Argentino, University of Buenes Aires, 4 August 2005

“Nelson Rodrigues and Eugene O’Neill: Affinities,” given at the Nelson Rodrigues Symposium, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the Graduate Center, CUNY, September 27, 2005.

“Nelson Rodrigues y Eugene O’Neill: Intertextualidad,” given at the XIV Congreso Internacional de Teatro Iberoamericano y Argentino, University of Buenes Aires, 4 August 2005.

“Mommie Dearest: on Translating Brazilian Drama,” at Theatre of Latin America, an International Festival and Symposium, University of Kansas, 4 April 2003.

“La escenografía de Nelson Rodrigues,” given at the XI Congreso Internacional de Teatro Argentino e Iberoamericano, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 9 August 2002.

“La adaptación para Broadway de El Beso de la Mujer Araña de Manuel Puig, conference entitled Texte et Image dans le Monde Ibrique et Ibéro-Américain, Université de Rabelais, Tours, France, 14 March 2002.

“Teatro brasileiro hoje: o novo está velho e o velho está novo,” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Columbia U, NY, 26 Feb 2002.

“The stagecraft of Nelson Rodrigues,” Yale University conference entitled Staging Brazilian and Portuguese Theater, New Haven, 10 November 2000.

“Vestido de noiva em três tempos: Ziembinski, Antunes, Tolentino,” Brazilian Studies Association Conference/Commemoration of the Brazilian Quincentennial, Recife, 21 June 2000.

“Wedding Gown: A Funeral March in Triple Time,” and session organizer and chair, “Teatro brasileiro de vanguardia: Gerald Thomas”: Latin American Theatre Today/IV Congreso, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 29 March-1 April 2000.

Chaired session on Literature and Fiction, 4th International Congress of the Americas: “The Americas in Transition: The Challenges of a New Millennium,” Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, September 29th to October 2nd, 1999. Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.

“Tropicália and the Candle King,” Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, 24 September 1998.

“A ficção de Edla van Steen em inglês,” XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Lngua e Literatura, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, 28 July 1998.

“Brasil Hoy: Las Escenificaciones de Gerald Thomas,” VI Congreso Internacional Sobre Teatro Iberamericano, GETEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9 August 1997.

“Momentos Decisivos en el Teatro Brasileño Contemporáneo,” Universidad Catlica, Santiago, Chile, 4 August 1997.

“Flash & Crash Days: Gerald Thomas’s Postmodernist Stagecraft,” University of Kansas International Symposium on Latin American Theatre, 4 April 1997. “Tempestad y Furia: El Teatro Posmodernista en la Epoca Posdictadura,” Latino/Iberoamerican Theatre Symposium, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., 31 May 1996.

“Women Playwrights in Brazil: Good Timing, Bad Timing” and “Theater and Political Change in Brazil”, University of Miami of Ohio, departments of Spanish/Portuguese, Theatre and Latin American Studies program, 2 March 1995.

“‘A Mano Armada’, a cuatro manos”; and chaired panel of Latin American playwrights — A Stage of Their Own: Symposium/Festival on Spanish, Latin American and U.S. Latina Women in the Theatre, University of Cincinnati, 7-8 Oct 1994.

Seminar address: “The NAFTA and Mexico,” Loyola Graduate School of Business and Center for Values in Business, Weekend Seminar on Maquiladoras and the North American Free Trade Agreement, 12 November, 1993. “Teatro brasileiro nos Estados Unidos,” panel entitled Exportar o Que Importa?, Festival de Curitiba II (Brazilian national theatre festival), 20 March 1993.

“Post-abertura Theatre: an Opening to the Future,” panel entitled Brazilian Theater: Historicizing the Past, Predicting the Future, Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, 26-29 Dec. 1991.

Speaker at PEN Midwest on “The Process of Translation,” Newberry Library, 12 November 1991. “Oh Boal, Poor Boal, History’s Hung you in the Closet,” Midwest Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov. 14-16 1991.

Speaker, session on Translation, Eroticism and Censorship, Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association, 22 September 1990.

Speaker, Forum for Literary Translators, session entitled “Translating Literature: Meeting the Challenge,” Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, 21 April 1990.

Conference paper and session leader: 1) “A evolução das artes cênicas em São Paulo”; 2) Plenary session leader — IIe Colloque International sur le Théâtre Latino-Américain: Tradition et Innovation, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, 7-9 Dec 1989.

“A Hora da Estrela and the Quest Myth,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 11 Nov 1989.

“Places in the heart: the fiction of Clarice Lispector and Edla Van Steen,” Midwest Modern Language Association, Session on Sense of Place in Luso-Brazilian Literature, Minneapolis, 3 Nov 1989.

“Augusto Matraga: do texto à montagem,” Midwest Modern Language Association, St. Louis, Nov 5 1988.

“Staging techniques of Brazil’s Grupo Macunaíma: from the regional to the universal,” New Languages for the Stage Drama Conference, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, 28 Oct 1988.

“Las escenificaciones míticas de Antunes Filho,” Encuentro Internacional Sobre Teatro Latinoamericano de Hoy, Université de Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 21 May 1988.

“Brazilian writers, erotically speaking,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, April 22, 1988.

“O texto literário: uma casa mal-assombrada?,” Midwest Modern Language Association, Columbus, 13 Nov 1987.

“O ciclo de Nelson Rodrigues no palco brasileiro,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, 24 April 1987.

“A narrativa do inconsciente na ficção de Edla Van Steen,” Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston, 3 April 1987.

“Macuníadas,” Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago, 7 Nov 1986.

“Antropofagia: ideologia ou palavra-guia estética?,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, 25 April 1986.

“Literary Cannibalism in Brazilian Theatre,” Transformations of Literary Language, U. of Texas, Austin, 1 March 1986.

Respondent address: “Os textos de informação e a espinafração modernista,” Midwest Modern Language Association, St Louis, 9 November 1985.

“Noche de los Asesinos/Noite dos Assassinos,” Northeast Modern Language Association, Hartford, 29 March 1985.

Other Talks

LFC Matriculation ceremony address entitled, “A Path with Heart,” 25 August 2010

Panel discussion at LFC, “Mistranslating Culture Through Film: Subtitles, Dubbing, and What Gets Left Out,” organized by Cynthia Hahn for Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association, 10 April 2010

“Political Change in Brazil,” LFC Estamos Unidos conference, sponsored by Latinos Unidos, 25 October 2009

Faculty Luncheon Discussion “Eugene O’Neill and Nelson Rodrigues: it’s all Greek to me,” 28 February 2007

Presentation on the Brazilian film “Macunaíma,” Facets Multimedia, May 9 2005

Talk on Brazilian fiction and translation for the Lake Forest Book Club, on 18 Oct 2001.

Talk at the Chicago Area Interpreters and Translators Association (CHICATA) session on literary translation, organized by Prof. Cynthia Hahn and held on the LFC campus, 17 feb 2001.

Red & Black talk: “The Voyage of Columbus,” 15 October 2001.

Women’s Board Fall 2001 Seminar Series, Living through Change: Caught in the Crossroads: talk entitled “The Drama of Latin America’s Transition from Dictatorship to Democratization: Notes of a Spectator and Bit Player,” 3 October 2001.

Presentation on the poetry of Pablo Neruda at the Lake Forest No Name Book Club on October 9 2001.

Talk on translating Brazilian fiction: special session of the Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association, organized by Cynthia Hahn and held at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, 25 March 2000.

Latin American Studies talk: “The Voyage of Columbus,” 12 October 2000.

Faculty luncheon discussion talk: “Kiss of the Spider Woman: from Argentine novel to Broadway musical,” 2 February 2000.

Talk on Argentine Manuel Puig’s novel Kiss of the Spider Woman, No Name Book Club, Lake Forest, June 17 1999.

“Keys to Understanding Latin America,” Fall Seminar Series/Perspectives on Latin America/LFC Women’s Board/In support of Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellowship Program, 30 September 1997.

“Translating Brazilian Literature,” Red & Black Faculty Forum, 18 September 1997.

“Early Mourning: Translating a Brazilian Novel,” Faculty Luncheon Discussion, 5 February 1997.

Faculty Luncheon Discussion talk, “Theatre and Political Change in Brazil,” 29 March 1995.

Native American Week: “Native American Literature: What it Teaches Us Today,” presentation on writer Gerald Vizenor, 13 October 1994.

“Columbus and the Latin American World,” Red and Black Faculty Forum, 22 October 1993.

“Columbus in Retrospect,” Family Weekend Class, 2 October 1993.

“NAFTA: A Mexican Perspective,” Faculty Luncheon Discussion talk, 10 February 1993.

“The translator’s stiffest challenge,” talk given at the Faculty Luncheon Discussion group, Wednesday, 14 November 1990.

“On translation,” talk given at the Faculty Luncheon Discussion group, Wednesday, 7 March 1990.

Awards and Honors

2010 — Annual Trustee Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership

2009, 2008, 2006, 2000 - National Endowment for the Humanities panel member for evaluation of fellowship proposals

2005 — National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship

2002 — National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend

2001 — University of Illinois/University of Chicago Joint Center for Latin American Studies Visiting Scholar Fellowship

1998 — Oskar Nobiling Medal, awarded by the Sociedade Brasileira de Língua e Literatura, for contributions to research on and teaching of Brazilian literature (July, Rio de Janeiro)

1997-99 — Participant in a U.S. Department of Education Title VI Grant for development of a Latin American Studies program at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果

1996 — University of Illinois/University of Chicago Joint Center for Latin American Studies Visiting Scholar Fellowship

1995 — National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers

1994 — National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar on American Indian Literature, University of Illinois-Chicago

1993 — National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend

1989 — National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar: The Poetics of Sign and Discourse in Medieval Literature, Newberry Library, Chicago

1988 — American Council of Learned Societies International Travel Grant

1987-88 — National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers

1987 — William L. Dunn Award for Outstanding Teaching and Scholarly Promise