

Douglas B. Light


Laurence R. Lee Family Professor of Biology, Emeritus



Animal and Human Physiology
Cell and Membrane Physiology


Cell volume regulation, cell membrane transport and signal transduction mechanisms, animal adaptations to extreme environments, human health and disease 


PhD Physiology, University of Minnesota
MS Zoology, University of Minnesota
BA Biology, Colby College

Courses Taught

Biology 103: Human Biology
Biology 120: Organismal Biology
Biology 136: Sensing the Environment
Biology 340: Animal Physiology
Biology 492: Independent Research Colloquium


2009  The Human Body: How it Works - Cells, Tissues, and Skin, 2nd ed. by Douglas B. Light, Chelsea House Publ., Philadelphia, PA 157 pp.

2009  The Human Body: How it Works - The Special Senses, 2nd ed., by Douglas B. Light, Chelsea Publ., Philadelphia, PA  160 pp.

2005  Your Body: How it Works (The Senses), by Douglas B. Light, Chelsea House Publ., Philadelphia, PA, 160 pp.

2004  Your Body: How it Works (Cells, Tissues, and Skin), by Douglas B. Light, Chelsea House Publ., Philadelphia, PA,154 pp.

1997  Study Guide written by Douglas B. Light to accompany Human Biology: Personal, Environmental, and Social Concerns (by Goodenough, Wallace, and McGuire), Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 523 pp.


2011  Wormser, C., L. Mason, E. Helm, and D.B. Light.  Regulatory Volume Response Following Hypotonic Stress in Atlantic Salmon Erythrocytes.  Fish Physiol. and Biochem. 37(4): 745-759.

2011 Wormser, C., S.A. Pore, A.B. Elperin, L.N. Silverman, and D.B. Light.  Potentiation of Regulatory Volume Decrease by a P2-Like Receptor and Arachidonic Acid in American Alligator Erythrocytes.  J. Membrane Biol.  J. Membrane Biol. 242(2): 75-87.

2011  Elperin, A.B., S.A. Pore, J.M. Evans, A.L. Naditz, and D.B. Light. Swelling-induced Ca2+ influx and K+ efflux in American Alligator Erythrocytes.  J. Membrane Biol. 240(1): 1-12.

2003  Light D. B., A. J. Attwood, and C. Siegel. Calcium stimulates volume decrease in Necturus erythrocytes. J. Cell Science 116(1): 101-109.

2001  Light, D. B., P. K. Dahlstrom, R. T. Gronau, and N. L. Baumann. Extracellular ATP Activates a P2 Receptor in Necturus Erythrocytes During Hypotonic Swelling. J. Membrane Biol. 182: 193-202.

1999  Light, D. B., T. L. Capes, R. T. Gronau, and M. R. Adler. Extracellular ATP stimulates volume decrease in Necturus red blood cells. Am. J. Physiol. 277 (Cell Physiol. 46): C480-C491.

1998  Light, D. B., M. Adler, J. Ter Beest, S. A. Botsford, R. T. Gronau. Protein kinase C and regulatory volume decease in mudpuppy red blood cells. J. Membrane Biol. 166: 119-132.

1997  Light, D. B., T. M. Mertins, J. A. Belongia, and C. A. Witt. 5-Lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid stimulate potassium efflux during regulatory volume decrease by mudpuppy red blood cells. J. Membrane Biol. 158 (3): 229-239.

1996  Bergeron, L., A. Stever, and D. Light. Potassium conductance activated during regulatory volume decrease by mudpuppy red blood cells. Am. J. Physiol. 270 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 39): R801-R810.

1994  Light, Douglas B. “Teaching Testimonial on Enthusiasm in the Classroom” in Acting Lessons for Teachers: Using Performance Skills in the Classroom, R. Tauber and C. Mester (eds.). Praeger Publ., Westport, CT, 173 pp.

1991  Light, Douglas B. “Ingestion” in Magill’s Survey of Science: Life Science, F.N. Magill (ed.), Salem Press, Pasadena, CA, pp. 1414-1421.

1990  Schwiebert, E. M., D. B. Light, G. Fejes-Toth, A. Naray-Fejes-Toth, and B. A. Stanton. A GTP-binding protein activates chloride channels in a renal epithelium. J. Biol. Chem. 265 (14): 7725-7728.

1990  Light, D. B., J. D. Corbin, and B. A. Stanton. Dual ion-channel regulation by cyclic GMP and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase. Nature 344 (6264): 336-339.

1990  Light, D. B., E. M. Schwiebert, G. Fejes-Toth, A. Naray-Fejes-Toth, K. H. Karlson, F. V. McCann, and B. A. Stanton. Chloride channels in the apical membrane of cortical collecting duct cells. Am. J. Physiol. 258 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol. 27): F273-F280.

1989  Light, D. B., D. A. Ausiello, and B. A. Stanton. Guanine nucleotide-binding protein, ai-3 directly activates a cation channel in rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells. J. Clin. Invest. 84: 352-356.

1989  Light, D. B., E. M. Schwiebert, K. H. Karlson, and B. A. Stanton. Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits a cation channel in renal inner medullary collecting duct cells. Science 243: 383-385.

1988  Light, D. B., F. V. McCann, T. M. Keller, and B. A. Stanton. Amiloride-sensitive cation channel in apical membrane of inner medullary collecting duct. Am. J. Physiol. 255 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol. 24): F278-F286.

1987  Light, D. B., D. P. Van Eenenaam, R. L. Sorenson, and D. G. Levitt. Potassium-selective ion channels in a transformed insulin-secreting cell line. J. Memb. Biol. 95 (1): 63-72.

Invited Talks

2009 “Volume Regulation by Amphibian Red Blood Cells: a Role for Calcium and ATP.” Department of Biology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA.

2002 “Unraveling the Mysteries of Cell Volume Regulation: a role for Calcium and Extracellular ATP.” Department of Biology, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, Lake Forest, IL.

2002 “Unraveling the Mysteries of Volume Regulation by Amphibian Red Blood Cells: a role for Calcium and Extracellular ATP.” Department of Life Sciences, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC.

2001 “Amphibian Red Blood Cells: Champions at Cell Volume Regulation.” Department of Biology, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI.

2001 “Extracellular ATP Stimulates Volume Decrease in Necturus Erythrocytes.” Department of Physiology and Biophysics, The Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, IL.

1999 “The Amazing Mudpuppy Red Blood Cell: a Champion at Cell Volume Regulation.” Department of Biology, Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa.

1998 “The Amazing Mudpuppy Red Blood Cell; a Champion at Cell Volume Regulation.” Dept. of Biology at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

1996 “Potassium Conductance During Regulatory Volume Decrease by Mudpuppy Red Blood Cells.” Invited speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Red Cell Club, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.

1993 “Role of Ion Channels in Sodium Reabsorption by the Kidney and Cell Volume Regulation by Amphibian Red Blood Cells.” Department of Biology, Colby College, Waterville, ME.

1991 “Dual Ion Channel Regulation by cGMP and cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase.” Department of Biological Sciences, State Univ. of New York-Buffalo.

1990 “Dual Ion Channel Regulation by cGMP and cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase.” Department of Physiology, University of Minnesota -Minneapolis.

Other Talks

2004 “Mysteries of Cell Volume Regulation.” 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, Lake Forest, IL.

2003 “Research on Red Blood Cells in the Context of the Liberal Arts.” Ripon College, Ripon, WI.

2001 “A Case for Student-Faculty Collaborative Learning.” Ripon College, Ripon, WI.

2000 “Mudpuppy Red Blood Cells: Champions at Cell Volume Regulation.” Department of Biology, Ripon College, Ripon, WI.

1998 “Visualized Writing: Using Posters.” Ripon College, Ripon, WI.

1996 “The Remarkable Mudpuppy Red Blood Cell: a Champion in Cell Volume Regulation.” Ripon College, Ripon, WI.

1992 “Why and How to Have Discussions in Class.” Ripon College, Ripon, WI.


2011 Light, D. C. Wormser*, S. Pore*, and E. Elperin*.  Inhibition of P2 Receptors or Phospholipase A2 Blocked Regulatory Volume Decrease in American Alligator Erythrocytes.  FASEB J.

2008 Light, D., A. Spivak,* S. Pore,* C. Wormser,* and E. Helm.* Cell Volume Regulation in Eryhtrocytes: a Role for Calcium and ATP.  FASEB J.

2007 Light, D., A. Spivak,* S. Pore,* C. Wormser,* and E. Helm.*  Calcium and Regulated Volume Decrease in Atlantic Salmon and American Alligator Erythrocytes.  FASEB J. 21(6): A964.

2006 Light, D., C. Wormser,* E. Helm,* and L. Mason.*  Regulated Volume Decrease in Atlantic Salmon and American Alligator Erythrocytes.  The Physiologist 49(6): C30.5.

2006 Light, D., Wormser, C.*, Pore, S.*, Silverman, L.*, and Spivak, A.*  Regulated Volume Decrease in Alligator Erythrocytes.  FASEB J. 20: A773.

2006 S. A. Pore, L. N. Silverman, A. Spivak, and D. B. Light*.  Regulated Volume Decrease in Alligator mississippiensis Erythrocytes.  Integ. Compar. Biol. 45(6): 1179.

2005 Light, D. B., Helm, E. M*, L. Z. Mason*, and J. L. Shelly*.  Regulatory Volume Decrease in Salmo salar Erythrocytes.  FASEB J. 19: 671.12

2005 Light, D. B., Helm, E. M*, L. Z. Mason*, and J. L. Shelly*.  Regulated Volume Decrease in Salmo salar Erythrocytes.  Amer. Zool.

2003 Light D. B. and B. K. Campion. Regulated volume decrease in Hyla chrysoscelis erythrocytes. Amer. Zool. 42(6): 1267.

2002 Light, D. B., A. J. Attwood, and C. Siegel. Calcium stimulates volume decrease in Necturus erythrocytes. FASEB J. 16(4): A55.

2002 Attwood, A. J., C. Siegel, and D. B. Light. Calcium stimulates volume decrease in Necturus erythrocytes. Amer. Zool. 41(6): 1382.

2001 Light, D. B., P. K. Dahlstrom, and N. L. Baumann. Extracellular ATP stimulates volume decrease in Necturus erythrocytes via a P2X2 receptor. FASEB J. 15(4): A442.

2001 Light, D. B. and P. K. Dahlstrom. Extracellular ATP stimulates volume decrease in Necturus erythrocytes via a P2X2 receptor. Amer. Zool. 40(6): 1103.

2001 Baumann, N. L. and D. B. Light. Purinergic receptor activation with extracellular ATP leads to a calcium-sensitive volume decrease in Necturus erythrocytes. Amer. Zool. 40(6): 937.

2000 Light, D. B., N. J. Evans, C. M. Mazurczak, and E. E. Enk. Leukotrienes D4 and E4 stimulate volume decrease in Necturus red blood cells. FASEB J. 14(4): A98.

1999 Light, D. B. and R. T. Gronau. A purinoceptor regulates volume decrease in mudpuppy red blood cells. FASEB J. 13(5): A715.

1999 Light, D. B. and T. L. Capes. Extracellular ATP stimulates volume decrease in mudpuppy red blood cells. FASEB J. 13(5): A715.

1999 Adler, M. R. and D. B. Light. Protein kinase C and regulatory volume decrease by Necturus red blood cells. Amer. Zool. 38(5): 123A.

1998 Light, D. B. and J. K. Ter Beest. Inhibition of protein kinase C reduces regulatory volume decrease by mudpuppy red blood cells. FASEB J. 12(5): A739.

1998 Wiltzius, J. M. and D. B. Light. Regulatory volume decrease by sheep red blood cells. Amer. Zool. 37(5): 143A.

1997 Mertins, T. M. and D. B. Light. 5-lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid stimulate a potassium conductance during regulatory volume decrease. FASEB J. 11(3): A516.

1997 Witt, C. A. and D. B. Light. Calmodulin stimulates a potassium conductance during regulatory volume decrease by activating phospholipase A2. FASEB J. 11(3): A516.

1996 Ball, A. M. and D. B. Light. Actin filaments are important for regulatory volume decrease by Necturus maculosus red blood cells. Amer. Zool. 36(5): 42A.

1996 Belongia, J. and D. Light. Potassium conductance regulated by eicosanoids during regulatory volume decrease. FASEB J. 10 (3): A87.

1996 Light. D. and S. Botsford. Role of protein kinase C and CAM-kinase in regulatory volume decrease. FASEB J. 10 (3): A86.

1995 Smith, C. L. and D. B. Light. Regulatory volume decrease by red blood cells of the freeze tolerant gray tree frog. Amer. Zool. 35 (5): 72A.

1995 Light, D., A. Stever, and L. Bergeron. Calmodulin is necessary for regulatory volume decrease by Necturus maculosus erythrocytes. FASEB J. 9 (3):A355.

1994 Light, D., L. Bergeron, and A. Stever. Regulatory volume decrease (RVD) by Necturus maculosus red blood cells. Physiologist 37 (5): A96.

1994 Light, D., A. Stever, and C. Camarato. K+ channels are required for cell volume regulation by Necturus maculosus erythrocytes. FASEB J. 8 (4): A69.

1992 Light, D. B. and Stever, A. J. Cell volume regulation in hypotonic solutions by Necturus maculosus erythrocytes. Amer. Zool. 32 (5): 66A.

1990 Stanton, B., D. Light, and J. Corbin. Dual regulation by cGMP and cGMP-dependent protein kinase of a renal amiloride-sensitive cation channel. FASEB J. 4 (3): A830.

1990 Schwiebert, E., D. Light, P. Dietl, G. Fejes-Toth, A. Naray-Fejes-Toth, and B. Stanton. Protein kinase C and a GTP-binding protein, alpha-i-3, regulate a chloride channel in the cortical collecting duct. Kidney Int. 37: 199.

1990 Stanton, B. A., D. A. Ausiello, and D. B. Light. The GTP-binding protein, ai-3, regulates sodium absorption by the inner medullary collecting duct. Kidney Int. 37: 217.

1990 Light, D., J. Corbin, and B. Stanton. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) inhibits a cation channel in the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) by a cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Kidney Int. 37: 216.

1989 Stanton, B. A. and D. B. Light. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) inhibits sodium absorption by the renal inner medullary collecting duct: cellular mechanisms of action, 62nd Scientific Session of the American Heart Association.

1989 Schwiebert, E. M., D. B. Light, and B. A. Stanton. A G protein, ai-3, regulates a chloride channel in renal cortical collecting duct cells. J. Gen. Physiol. 94: 6a.

1989 Light, D. B., D. A. Ausiello, and B. A. Stanton. Gi gates a cation channel in renal inner medullary collecting duct cells. J. Gen. Physiol. 94: 31a.

1989 Light, D. B., D. A. Ausiello, and B. A. Stanton. G protein regulation of a cation channel in renal epithelia. Biophys. J. 55 (2): 604a.

1989 Light, D. B. and B. A. Stanton. G protein regulation of a cation channel. Twentieth Annual Winter Nephrology Meeting, Dartmouth Medical School.

1989 Stanton, B., D. Ausiello, and D. Light. G protein regulation of a cation channel in inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells. Kidney Int. 35: 483.

1989 Light, D., E. Schwiebert, K. Karlson, and B. Stanton. Atrial natriuretic peptide and cGMP inhibit a renal cation channel. Kidney Int. 35: 165.

1988 Light, D. B., E. M. Schwiebert, K. H. Karlson, and B. A. Stanton. Atrial natriuretic peptide and its second messenger cGMP inhibit a renal cation channel. Sixteenth New England Endocrine Conference, Dartmouth Medical School. (Received Presentation Award, postdoctoral category).

1988 Light, D. B., K. H. Karlson, and B. A. Stanton. Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits a cation channel in renal inner medullary collecting duct. J. Gen. Physiol. 92: 31a.

1988 Light, D. B. and B. A. Stanton. Cyclic GMP-gated cation channel in apical membrane of rat inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). FASEB J. 2 (4): A708. (Received the Caroline tum Suden Award).

1988 Light, D., G. Fejes-Toth, A. Naray-Fejes-Toth, F. McCann, T. Keller, and B. Stanton. Voltage-dependent chloride channel in the apical membrane of intercalated cells in culture. Kidney Int. 33 (1): 442.

1987 Light, D., F. McCann, T. Keller, and B. Stanton. Amiloride-sensitive cation channel in rat inner medullary collecting duct cells. J. Gen. Physiol. 90: 28a.

1987 Light, D., F. McCann, T. Keller, G. Fejes-Toth, and B. Stanton. Ca2+-activated K+ channels in cultured intercalated cells. 17th Annual Winter Nephrology Meeting, Dartmouth Medical School.

1987 Light, D., F. McCann, T. Keller, and B. Stanton. Electrophysiological characterization of rat inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) by intracellular microelectrodes and patch clamping. Federation. Proc. 46 (6): 1392. (Received Award for Excellence in Renal Research).

1986 Light, D. B., D. P. Van Eenenaam, R. L. Sorenson, and D. G. Levitt. Potassium channels and insulin secretion in a transformed b-cell line. 15th Annual New England Physiologists Meeting. Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine.

1986 Light, D. B. and D. G. Levitt. K+-selective ion channels in HIT cells. Biophys. J. 49 (2): 166a.

Popular Work

1999 “Student Research.” Radio interview that aired on local station, Ripon, WI.

1998 “Student Research.” Radio interview that aired on local station, Ripon, WI.

1994 “Teaching Testimonial on Enthusiasm in the Classroom” by D.B. Light, in Acting Lessons for Teachers: Using Performance Skills in the Classroom, R. Tauber and C. Mester (eds.), Salem Press, Pasadena CA, pp. 146-148.

1991 “Ingestion” by D.B. Light in Magill’s Survey of Science: Life Science, F. Magill (ed.), Salem Press, Pasadena CA, pp. 1414-1421.

Awards and Honors

2009 - Trustee Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership: Awarded annually to “recognize faculty who demonstrate outstanding teaching in its broadest context, and who inspire all members of the teaching faculty to strive for such goals.”  新澳门六合彩开奖结果.

2002 - James Underkofler Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching: Awarded annually to “a faculty member for outstanding performance and excellence in undergraduate teaching.”

2000 - May Bumby Severy Award: Awarded annually to “faculty who have shown the highest degree of excellence in teaching at Ripon College.”

1995 - Faculty for the 21st Century: Selected as a member of the Class of ’95 by Project Kaleidoscope (a national alliance committed to strengthening undergraduate science and mathematics education).

1993 - Senior Class Award: Awarded annually to “the outstanding Ripon College faculty member as chosen by members of the senior class.”

1991 - May Bumby Severy Award: Awarded annually to “faculty who have shown the highest degree of excellence in teaching at Ripon College.”

1988 - Abstract Presentation Award: The 16th Annual New England Endocrine Conference, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH.

1988 - Caroline tum Suden Professional Opportunity Award: American Physiological Society, 72nd Annual Meeting of FASEB, Las Vegas, NV.

1987 - Award for Excellence in Renal Research (postdoctoral category): American Physiological Society, 71st Annual Meeting of FASEB, Washington, DC.

Grants and Fellowships

2002-2005 co-author on Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program: “Interdisciplinary Research Projects in Biology and Chemistry,” awarded $60,000.

2000-2002 National Science Foundation RUI Grant: “Signal Transduction during Regulatory Volume Decrease in Necturus Erythrocytes,” awarded $60,000.

1997-2000 National Science Foundation RUI Grant: “Signal Transduction and Intracellular Regulation of Cell Volume by Amphibian Red Blood Cells,” awarded $148,495.

1997-1998 National Science Foundation REU Grant: Supplement to the above RUI grant, awarded $5,000.

1995 (summer) Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) Program for Minority Students: Summer Research Grant: “Role of Cell Volume Regulation in Freeze Tolerance by Terrestrial Frogs,” awarded $5,000.

1993-1997 National Science Foundation RUI Grant: “Ion Channels and Cell Volume Regulation in Amphibian Red Blood Cells”, awarded $151,268.

1993 (summer) ACM Program for Minority Students: Summer Research Grant: “Effect of Light Wavelength on Pigment Distribution in Crustaceans,” awarded $5,000.

1992 (summer) ACM Program for Minority Students: Summer Research Grant: “Cell Volume Regulation in Amphibian Red Blood Cells,” awarded $5,200.

1991 (summer) ACM Program for Minority Students: Summer Research Grant: “Vitamins as a Source of Protection from Ultraviolet Light,” awarded $5,000.

1990-1992 National Science Foundation Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Grant: “Development of a Focus Course for Teaching Cell Biology Techniques,” awarded $42,350.

1988-1989 Hitchcock Foundation Grant: “Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Cytokine Regulation of Sodium Homeostasis,” awarded $3,250.

1987-1988 Hitchcock Foundation Grant: “Single Ion Channels in Kidney Epithelia,” awarded $5,000.

1986-1989 National Institutes of Health Research Service Award, postdoctoral training grant.