
Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Stella in Finland

Koli National Park Stella '26 visiting Koli National Park in Lieksa, Finland
May 22, 2024
Stella McCourry ’26

Stella McCourry ’26, a politics and English double major, studied abroad at the University of Eastern Finland for the spring 2025 semester.

As someone who had never been outside of the U.S. before my studies, spending time abroad in Finland has been a great opportunity and provided me with a new understanding of my country and the rest of the world. The experience has allowed me to meet many people from so many different countries, and immersing myself in a culture that is similar yet still quite distinct from American culture has given me a renewed perspective on the U.S. and Europe. I have experienced much of life within the bubble that is the U.S. So, seeing how other countries and cultures and people interact outside of that, especially seeing how they view the U.S., has been incredibly valuable for me. 

UEF provides many English classes, so I took plenty of classes that allowed me to learn more about Finland and applied well to my major, including courses on Finnish literature, Finnish political history, and global conflicts. I was so happy to be able to play violin with UEF’s orchestra and with the jazz band. We played a few performances of pop and rock songs for Joensuu’s May Day celebrations, which included a parade and picnic that many students attended. I was worried about neglecting my interest in music while abroad. The University had everything I needed, and it was amazing to meet others who were passionate about music and to learn about Finnish music. The University’s student union and its ISYY program for international students have helped me meet Finnish students and students from all over the world. 

ISYY organized many events and a few trips around Finland. The trip to Lapland was one of my favorite parts of my time here; I spent time living in a cabin for a few days with new friends and experiencing so much beautiful Finnish nature. We were able to visit some reindeer and their owners, go skiing, ride/steer a dog sled, and meet those dogs! I was able to experience some of the most beautiful winters, nature, and an incredible abundance of forests. We also visited the storybook-like small Norwegian town of Bugøynes, giving us the opportunity to jump into the ice-cold Arctic Ocean after sweating in the sauna. My favorite experience of the trip was on a snowshoe hike, during which we were so lucky to see some fairly bright Auroras. It was an incredibly memorable and peaceful experience for me, and we just took a while to lay on a hill and watch the lights dance. 

My time in Finland was incredibly peaceful and a valuable learning experience. I experienced so much beautiful nature, met people who expanded my worldview, and was forced to truly live on my own for the first time in an apartment. I’m so lucky to have this experience and learn to live in an entirely new environment. 

Visit to the Norwegian town of Bugøynes:

Visit to Norway