

Kent Beckman

Class Year:


Job Title:

Financial Analyst, Medline

Areas of Study:

History, Finance


Grayslake, IL

What made you decide to become a History major at 新澳门六合彩开奖结果?

In High School history classes were among my favorite. I enjoyed reading and writing more than I did math and found narratives engaging and interesting. It has interested me to learn about how the actions of others before us have influenced our current lives.

Is there a specific memory that sticks out to you from your time as a history student?

I had the pleasure of having some truly great History professors at LFC. One of the classes that became foundational to what I decided to do for a career was a history of Capitalism course I took with Professor Rudi Batzell. It helped me see Economics and Finance from a narrative point of view and gave me a fresh perspective on how and why our markets operate how they do today. Another course that sticks out to me was the Hist 300 course I took with professor Courtney Joseph that focused on the history of history. It was really interesting to learn about how history changes even today due to a fresh perspectives reviewing the same facts.

What is something students considering majoring in History should know?

It's a great time. There a lot of skills you learn from this major but I also remember my history classes fondly because I enjoyed them. Majoring in History has changed the way I see my world and I am grateful for the experience.

Why is History relevant and important today?

History is important because it allows us to gain a better understanding of how our world works while also helping to put our current lives in perspective of others. The major cultivates important skills, such as critical thinking, presentation skills, writing, and reading efficiently.

What are you up to now? In what ways did being a history major help you after graduation?

I am currently in a finance development program at Medline where I rotate through different finance teams at the company for three years. The curiosity and critical thinking skills that my history major developed has helped me in my career by enabling me to ask thoughtful questions. I used the writing and editing skills during my Internal Audit rotation while writing reports and editing my peers reports. The analytical aspect of the major has assisted me in many areas but specifically during my M&A rotation when analyzing if other companies would be a good fit in Medline's market space. The presentation skills I learned throughout the major have also assisted me by teaching me how to be efficient and confident during a presentation.