
Prevention Programs

Previous Prevention and Education Initiatives

Looking for the current year's awareness and prevention initiatives? Please visit the Title IX Awareness and Outreach Programming page.

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2023 Fall Programs and Events

Fall 2023 Red Flag Program


Domestic Violence Awareness Workshop, November 7, 2023, 4:30-6:00 PM

  • Purple Out:-Loud:  Show support and stand in solidarity with survivors of domestic and dating violence. Purple, is the national domestic violence awareness color. Support by "purpling" all or a portion of your email signature, wear purple attire, or use purple bulbs in your office or residence hall. (contact Title IX via email to request a bulb).
  • Trainings/educational sessions 
  • NEW awareness program to raise awareness of domestic and dating violence.  Learn the RED FLAGS of domestic and dating violence. 
  • Domestic violence prevention workshop 
  • November 16: Consent  and preventing sexual violence workshop with presenter Alyssa Vera Romas, co-author of  The Sex Ed Playbook:  Participatory Theatre for Health Education.  Program co-sponsored by Office of Title IX, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Students, and It's On Us
2023 Spring Programs and Events
January - National Stalking Awareness Month

We highlighted a different aspects of /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking the week of January 23-31, 2023 along with SPARC's awareness programs and information. On-campus, we shared information on /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking during the college's Forester Fair on January 25, 11am-1pm. We also shared information about the new reporting form.


To highlight National Stalking Awareness Month in Janaury, we shared a fact or statistic Monday 23 thru Tuesday 31, 2023. Also see videos hghlighting /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking awareness and prevention below.


1.23.SPARC Mon 23 /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalkingJan24 Tues 24 Stalking-Jan 25 Wed 25

Jan 26 Stalking Thu 26       Jan 27 Stalking Fri 27  Jan 28 Stalking  Sat 28 

Jan 29 -Stalking Sun 29  Jan 30 StalkingMon 30    Tues 31

Stalking resource videos below-National Stalking Awareness Month, include /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking and sexual violence and recognizing, signs of /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking.


Other LFC spring 2023 programs and trainings:
March-various training sessions on the policy and responsible employee obligations


February - Outreach programming
Tabling outreach Tuesday, February 22, 2023 from 12:00-3:00pm - Student Center
  • We shared resources and had giveaway items
  • We shared information about our


National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 2023

We recognized April as National Sexual Assault Awareness Month with on-campus specific initiatives along with highligting the national organization, National Sexual Violence Resource Center's (NSVRC) and theme Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity.  See the various initiatives sponsored by NSVRC. other national and  local programs, and past LFC event below.

新澳门六合彩开奖结果 Specific Programs were highlighted here weekly along with any updates for programming. See flyers posted around campus to learn more about individual programs or see the programs outlined here for the month of April.

2023 April Calendar of Events at LFC: 

LFC 2023 SAAM Campus wide Calendar of Events

Gender equity related sexual violence programs were held during the month of April sponsored by NSVRC. 

Past SAAM Events at LFC:

  • The SAAM month of events was sponsored by the Title IX Office or in collaboration with the Coalition and other campus partners.
  • April 4: Proclamation and giveaways.  Students could stop by the student center top floor to show support and sign the  NSVRC Proclamation to stand against sexual violence and also pickup a giveaway item in recognition of preventing sexual assault.
  • April 6: at 4:30PM, Skybox. Workshop on Human Sex Trafficking. Students learned about the impact of sex trafficking on college campuses, how to avoid the pitfalls, signs to watch out for, and resources. This workshop was presented by local A Safe Place domestic violence center staff. 
  • April 13: Sexual Citizenship educational workshop presented by LFC peer, Emilia de Paula Fonseca.
  • April 18: Know Your Rights as part of Title IX process.
  • April 25: Understanding the SANE* process and misconceptions about rights, options and what is involved.  Sexual Assault Nurse Examination  and more commonly known as rape kit. Presentation was facilitated by local expert SANE nurse.
  • April 26: National Denim Day We have highlighted national denim day at Lake Forest for the past few years. This year the Title IX Office will partner with Phi Beta Sigma fraternity and the Coalition, to highlight local sexual assault center, Zacharias "Z-Center". 
  • April 27:  two events culminated the SAAM's activities and programs.  V-redefined and Take Back the Night Walk
    • V Redefined in the evening  at 6:30pm at Hixon Hall! The Title IX Office in collaboration with the LFC Theater Department presented Vagina Redefined where sex, gender, and sexuality were presented and shared beyond the norms. 
      • Students wrote their own monologues or performed a piece from "A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant, and A Prayer" by Eve Ensler.
      • Find the online program for the show.
      • The auditions for the program were held March 22 and 23rd, with an extension through March 31st. You may contact Emilia de Paula Fonseca by email depaulafonseca@lakeforest.edu for questions about the program.

  • Take Back the Night afterwards! The event began at 8pm in the South Quad and was followed by a musical performance.
  • April 24-28: We continued our annual  awareness of the Department of Justice National Crime Victims' Rights Week. The site could be accessed daily to learn about various rights that victims of crime have.

Z-Center had a Virtual Documentary Screening on Masculinity: The Mask You Live In, 6pm, April 19th, 6PM via Zoom

The Mask You Live In-Z Center 2023 virtual program  View Image 

2022 Fall Programs and Events

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Programming

October: “Purpling” your Email Signature - students and faculty were suggested to change all or a portion of their email signatures during the month of October in support and recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.


October 13: What LFC Policy Says about Domestic Violence and Dating Abuse, Mohr Student Center, Skybox, 4:00-5:15PM

October 20: National Purple Out Day: students and faculty were suggested to wear something purple and "purple" room or office as part of a national movement of solidarity.

October 26: Awareness and Outreach, 2:30pm-4:00pm, Mohr Studet Center, Top floor. Domestic violence prevention materials and a purple giveaway item were handed out. Event to learn about the Title IX Policy and view the updated flowchart with the process. 

Programs co-sponsored by Title IX and Health and Wellness

   Domestic Violence Awareness Month Flyer-2022  See PDF 

Education Sessions Offered Fall 2022

General Session for All--Title IX Explained: History and Current State of Title IX and Top 10 Things to Know. Students, staff, and faculty were invited to learn more about Title IX and identify key takeaways from this civil rights law.

Wednesday, October 26        12:00-1:15PM                    Check the October 24th email for the link. 

Student Sessions

These sessions were an opportunity for students and faculty to learn about rights, options, and resources as part of the Title IX process and gain a more in-depth understanding of the campus formal and informal processes. 

  See PDF 

Informal Title IX Process 
Monday, October 31            4:30-5:45PM      Check the October 24th email for the link.

Formal Title IX Process 
Tuesday, November 1         4:30-5:45PM      Mohr Student Center, Pierson Room C

Formal Title IX Process
Thursday, November 3       2:00-3:15PM      Mohr Student Center, Pierson Room C

Your Rights & Options Explained 
Wednesday, November 9   3:00-4:15PM      Mohr Student Center, Pierson Room C

Additional Student Sessions

  See PDF 

Title IX Rights and Options and Policy Highlights
Thursday, December 1       7:00-8:15PM     Mohr Student Center, Pierson Room C

Wednesday, December 7   7:00-8:15PM     Mohr Student Center, Pierson Room C


2022 LFC 50th Anniversary Programs, Events, and Initiatives by the Office of Title IX, other campus Offices and Departments, and community partners in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Title IX
  • Fall "Signing Day" held two signings.
  • Know Your Rights: Fifity Years Later.
  • Digitial monitors on campus  highlighted Title IX areas.
2022 Spring Programs and Events

June 23 - A Collaborative effort with Title IX Office and Athletics was held over the summer to commemorate the  50th anniversary of Title IX with "Signing Day" June 23rd.

We met in Mohr Student Center, 11-1pm where participants added their name to LFC history. See event flyer here.

See below for Spring 2022 Programs led, sponsored by, or in collaboration with the Title IX Office

Awareness and Outreach Programming

Launched: Revised Title IX Website and the Campus Climate Survey.

April - National Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  •  April 24-29: Victims' Rights Week - Rights, Access, Equity, a national program and awareness of crimes and rights
  • April 27th: Denim Day, in collaboration with It's On Us
  • April 25th: Women in Sports Panel
  • April 20th: Legal Rights Workshop, Victim Compensation and No Contact Directives
  • April 12th: Human Trafficking Workshop 

Human Trafficking-Workshop-Flyer

  • April 25th: a discussion on mental health, women in sports and the impact of Title IX. Program presenters and Co-hosts Alpha Phi and Carlie Mertz

Women in Sports Panel poster

LFC Annual Victims' Rights Week April 24-29 2022, a national program raising awareness of all crimes a citizen may encounter, and resources to assist.

Victim Rights-square art

Other Happenings in April:

  • National wear Teal Day, April 5th
  • Campus Climate Survey Launch in collaboration with The Coalition, April 4th
  • The Launch of the NEW Title IX Website - April 4th!! Visit the main page to learn how you can share your feedback.
Programs held in March:

March 18th The Vagina Monologues Theatre Production- and a full week of events and awarness events highlighting women's rights and respecting women and their bodies.

All-week programs Flyer

General V Week Flyer

The Title IX Office held a successful  theatre production of The Vagina Monologues on March 18th with record number attendance!

A Safe Spring Break in collaboration with The Coalition. Highlighted the importance of safe spring break practices during the spring recess while away from campus. 

2021 Fall Programs and Events

The Title IX Office and other campus partners raised awareness of domestic and interpersonal violence during 2021 National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). We encouraged the 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 campus community to stand in solidarity, support survivors or engage in initiatives in rememberance of sisters and brothers gone too soon. 

Campus Programming
  • October 21st: "Purple Out Loud for DV Awareness" - wear, create purple space in your office of living space
  • October 28th: Talk with Title IX, Thursday, 11-1, Mohr Student Center
  • Coalition Against Sexual Misconduct (CASM) shared domestic violence awareness information and giveaways 
  • Affected Communities: Monday Morning Highlight in October 
    • October 11th: LGBTQ and also recognizing today as National Coming Out Day
    • October 18th: African-Americans
    • October 25th: Disability 
  • LGBTQ 馃彸锔‍馃寛 
    • Listen along with LFC Title IX Office to a Center for Disease Control (CDC) and LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence sponsored event
    • Facebook Live Event hosted by CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention
      October 20, 2021  2:00 pm ET

      A live conversation  between CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention, NRCDV and the LGBTQ Institute on IPV to elevate the voices of LGBTQ populations and the health disparities they experience.

Community and National Programs and Events
  • Illinois Governor Pritzker 2021 Domestic Violence Awareness Proclamation
    • Patriarchy and Sexual Violence, Virtual Thursday, October 14th. 12pm. 
  • see their website for programming
  • Center for Disease Control (CDC) Dating Violence Awareness: The CDC launched a series of dating and domestic violence awareness vignettes in varous major cities.

2021 Spring Programs and Events

2021 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events Recap

Thank you to the 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 Community for sharing your feedback with the Title IX Office during the spring of 2021. This valuable information helps inform the ongoing efforts, initiate additional process improvement, and provide services that are fair and equitable for all. 

 April 6: Consent and Healthy Relationships Workshop  

April 20: The Title IX Office hosted the first installment of Title IX's 'Know Your Rights' on from 5:30-6:30PM

  • This event allowed a live question and answer session with Title IX Coordinator LaShun McGhee. Access to the Zoom link was available via my.involvement or your LFC email. Participants were asked to submit questions to TitleIX@lakeforest.com beforehand or ask questions live. 

April 18-23National Crime Victims' Rights Week

April 28: the student organization  sponsored Denim Day

  • In 1999 the Italian High Court overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight jeans at the time of the assault. The justices stated that the victim must have helped her attacker remove her jeans, from which they inferred consent. People all around the world were outraged. Wearing jeans on this anniversary became an international symbol of protest against erroneous and destructive attitudes about sexual violence.

 April 29: the last time to join Title IX, and the Coalition in using either of the two virtual SAAM Zoom backgrounds.

  • Every Thursday, students, and faculty were invited to use the below virtual images to show their support for survivors. To set this as your virtual background open the Zoom app on your device, enter settings, click 'Backgrounds & Filters,' select 'Virtual Background', and upload either of the below images. 

Virtual SAAM Zoom background


Download a PDF of ASAAM 2021 here.

2020 Programs and Awareness Events

2020 Regulations Student Info Session

  • When new regulations were relased spring 2020, we offered several information sessions to explain how the regulations were changing, the impact, and how LFC was adjusting policy.

  • April 19-25: Crime Victims’ Rights Week - To raise awareness of victims’ rights, the Title IX Office highlighted a few topics during the week of April 20-24 along with the national crime victims’ rights program. 

Crime victims' rights_round

Every year, millions of Americans are affected by crime. Many will need ongoing care and resources. April 19–25 is National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, a time to celebrate the progress achieved, raise awareness of victims’ rights and services, and stand with our families, neighbors, friends, and colleagues whose lives have been forever changed. 

Denim Day 2020

  • Denim Day is a Peace Over Violence Program: Their mission is to build healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence.

2019 Programs and Events-Stalking
January - National Stalking Awareness Month

We highlighted a different aspects of /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking the week of January 23-31, 2023 along with SPARC's awareness programs and information.



Stalking resource videos below-National Stalking Awareness Month, include /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking and sexual violence and recognizing, signs of /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking.

2019- information domestic violence

Domestic violence is violence or the threat of violence (including but not limited to sexual or physical abuse) committed by a current or former spouse or domestic partner of the individual, by someone with whom the individual shares a child in common, or by someone who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the individual as a spouse or intimate partner. 

Highlights of Rights Enactment Dates:

  • 1995-The U.S. Department of Justice creates the Violence Against Women Office to provide federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and /title-ix/prevention-education-and-training/prevention-and-education/stalking.
  • 1996-The National Domestic Violence Hotline is established by Congress to provide crisis intervention, information, and referrals to victims of domestic violence and their friends and family.
  • 2013-Congress passes and President Obama signs the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 2013). The measure expands protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender survivors, Native American and Native Alaskan survivors, and teens and young adults. 
  • 2015-OVC, in partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, releases the Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration Initiative, designed to enhance and support trauma-informed systems of care for male crime victims and, in particular, boys and young men of color.

2016-On June 14, 2016, the White House convenes the first United State of Women summit to examine issues of gender equality, including violence against women.

2019- information- human trafficking

Human Sex Trafficking

The TVPA defines a “severe form of trafficking in persons” as:

Sex trafficking (the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act) in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or

The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt, bondage, or slavery.

  • The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has been enforcing criminal laws against involuntary servitude and slavery for a long time. They enacted the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, which brought new benefits, services, and criminal penalties to address human trafficking in a more comprehensive and effective way.


Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained. 

–Helen Keller (1880–1968

2019-information-sexual expolitation

Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation is the taking advantage of a non-consenting person or situation for personal benefit or gratification or for the benefit of anyone other than the alleged victim; and the behavior does not constitute rape, sexual touching or sexual harassment. Sexual exploitation includes, but is not limited to:

  • Photographing or making audio or video recordings of sexual activity without consent;
  • Dissemination of images or recordings without consent of the participant(s);
  • Allowing others to observe sexual activity without the knowledge or consent of the partner;
  • Voyeurism (peeping tom);
  • Knowingly transmitting a sexually transmitted infection or HIV to another student;
  • Prostituting another person;

Giving alcohol or other drugs to another student with the intention of rending him or her incapable of giving consent.

If you are in an emergency situation, dial 911 for local, non-college law enforcement and medical assistance. You may also dial the College’s Public Safety Department at 847.735.5555 (on-campus at 5555) to connect you to the local police.